On KFXK Fox 51: Rosemary’s Revenge

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The strategy behind last week’s indictment of Gov. Rick Perry can be clearly seen in what isn’t included in Rachel Maddow’s story on MSNBC. (See the story here.) Gov. Perry faces two felony charges for abusing his office. If convicted, he could spend the rest of his life in prison.

The group that filed the complaint that led to the appointment of a special prosecutor is Texans for Public Justice. TPJ is not some benign watchdog. It is a hard-left repeat offender that went after Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison in 1993 and Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay in 2005.

Now they’ve gone after Rick Perry.

This story begins in April 2013 when Travis County District Attorney Rosemay Lehmberg was arrested and subsequently plead guilty to driving while intoxicated. While in custody, she was abusive and unruly and had to be restrained. (See video below.)

There were multiple calls for Ms. Lehmberg to resign, one of which came from Gov. Perry. When Lehmberg refused to resign, Rick Perry stated that he would veto $7.5 million in state funds for the Public Integrity Unit of the Travis County DA’s office  so long as Ms. Lehmberg was in charge of it. The Public Integrity Unit is a county-level office that has the authority to investigate and prosecute acts of malfeasance by statewide office holders.

Subsequent to Perry’s exercise of that veto, Texans for Public Justice filed a complaint with the Travis County DA, the very same district attorney upon whom Rick Perry had called to resign. A special prosecutor was appointed and the prosecutor convinced a grand jury in uber-liberal Austin to hand up an indictment against a conservative governor.

Missing from Ms. Maddow’s reporting is the fact that Texans for Public Justice exists for the express and sole purpose of doing for Democrats in Texas what they can’t do at the ballot box, which is to say, defeat Republicans. To no one’s recollection have they ever had even the tiniest quibble with a Democrat.

In the cases of Kay Bailey Hutchison, Tom DeLay and now Rick Perry, Texans for Public Justice used the Public Integrity Unit of the Travis County District Attorney’s office as the (highly complicit) muscle to carry out blatantly political attacks.

Rachel Maddow somehow missed the fact that the case brought against Kay Bailey Hutchison was laughed out of the trial court in less than 30 minutes. Tom DeLay’s conviction was eventually overturned by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

With respect to Gov. Perry, the only possible mistake he made lies in the reason he gave for his veto. Instead of saying he would not commit statewide funds for an office that purports to uphold public integrity so long as the person in charge of it fails herself in a very basic test of integrity, he should have said, ‘Any official holding the capacity to prosecute a statewide office holder for malfeasance in the conduct of that office should himself be accountable to every voter in the state rather than only to the voters of a single county.’

Maddow is correct in her assertion that Republicans despise the Public Integrity Unit. But that’s simply because the last two Travis County DAs, Ronnie Earle and now Rosemary Lehmberg, have displayed a conspicuous lack thereof in their stewardship of it. The unit only nominally, if at all, addresses breaches of public integrity. The Public Integrity Unit has been hijacked by Democrats in the most hard-left county in the state for the purpose of bringing political and financial ruin to Republicans.

In the case of Kay Bailey Hutchison they failed. In the case of Tom DeLay they succeeded. They’re one for two looking to go two for three.

None of this context is in Rachel Maddow’s piece nor will it be in most of the reporting on this story.

It is highly unlikely that Perry will ever be convicted but it doesn’t matter. The real goal is not criminal punishment. The goal is political destruction.

On that front, with the help of blatantly liberal reporting like that of Rachel Maddow, or otherwise lazy reporting by the rest of the media, the goal might well be achieved.

Paul Gleiser

Paul L. Gleiser is president of ATW Media, LLC, licensee of radio stations KTBB 97.5 FM/AM600, 92.1 The TEAM FM in Tyler-Longview, Texas.

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5 Responses

  1. chris dorman says:

    hooray for governor perry for refusing to give in to the demands of the few who are determined to destroy this country beginning with the drunken bum rosemary = had SHE been a republican, the mob would have looked a lot like ferguson, Missouri in its anger and mind set but then look at our whitehouse and see the leader of these mindless mobs who are devouring our rights one step at a time and like mindless sheep, we are allowing them to do just that.
    when we wake up and find our country is totally under the control of the mindless mob of Islamic fanatics and our women in burkas or dead and our men beheaded, it will be OUR fault for not standing up when we had the chance. so I still say, throw the drunken bum of a female (rosemary) out of office or allow her to stay and wait for the end of democracy as we knew it. perry is right as I do not want a dime to go to any group she might be involved with.

    thanks for allowing me to state my position in this matter.

  2. CONSPIRACY UPDATE, from 08/20/14 USA Today op-ed by Texas Democratic Party Executive Director Will Hailer:

    “Perry will continue to claim that this is a partisan witch hunt. But there wasn’t a single Democrat involved in the investigation and indictment.

    A Republican judge, appointed by Rick Perry, appointed another Republican judge to handle Perry’s corruption case.San Antonio attorney Michael McCrum was named as special prosecutor. McCrum was a U.S. prosecutor under George H.W. Bush and was submitted for U.S. attorney by Sen. John Cornyn. And Perry was indicted by a randomly selected grand jury of his Texas peers.

    Indicting a governor doesn’t happen every day. The last time a governor was indicted in Texas was almost 100 years ago. And while Perry even continues his behavior as a bully by threatening that “those responsible will be held accountable,” that doesn’t change the fact that a jury of his peers found enough evidence to bring the governor to trial.”

  3. Linda E. Montrose says:

    It doesn’t matter what party you belong to, anyone who holds a public office should be held to the highest standards and that means not getting arrested for drunk driving and behaving like an idiot. I think that the video of lehmburg should be a part of the trial as to this matter since it is the crux of this “investigation” of Rick Perry, not so called “public justice” as they would have you believe. If true public justice would be served, there is someone in the whitehouse that needs to be investigated far more than Rick Perry!!!!!

  4. pk says:

    When I was in the Deptm.nt I was in & retired from for the State, “Code of Ethics”( if you will) stated that ‘your comportment or any after hours job had to be such that did not reflect poorly on the Deptm’nt”.

    Any arrest for anything or employment that did ( at the discretion of the deptm’t ” would result in your dismissal’.

    What happened to that idea??

    Was my deptm’t the only deptm’t so run??

    If so why??

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