Trump being Trump

U.S. President Donald Trump greets a UIan Langsdon/POOL via AP

The key is to “let Trump be Trump.” Such has been the mantra from his campaign to his presidency. The tweets, the mocking nick names, the brash statements – all of it. We have to let Trump be Trump, they say. And so far, cringeworthy moments aplenty notwithstanding, Trump being Trump has, by and large, worked.

Yet, Donald Trump continues to be arguably the most polarizing president in U.S. history. His political opponents don’t merely dislike his policies. They dislike him – Donald Trump the human being.

Presidents whose policies are working to the degree that Donald Trump’s policies are working are not usually the objects of such hatred. Strong partisan opposition, maybe. But white-hot hatred? Generally no.

Given the robust health of the U.S. economy and the feeling abroad in the land that things are generally going well, Donald Trump’s approval numbers should be in the high 60s or better. Instead, he does well to break a 45 in most polls. The intemperate outbursts and the aforementioned cringeworthy moments are certainly largely to blame.

Nevertheless, Donald Trump is who he is and it cannot be said that he is inconsequential. Few presidents have had the impact in their first two years that Donald Trump has had.

Criticism of Donald Trump in the media is so common as to now be effectively inaudible. It is, therefore, not surprising that the media never remarks upon his performances at big events in front of world audiences – the latest example being his speech last week at the 75thanniversary of D-Day. There on the shores of Normandy with the American military cemetery providing the backdrop, ‘Trump being Trump’ consisted of dignity and eloquence on a par with the best presidential speeches in our history.

In keeping with his masterful performances in Warsaw in July 2017, the UN General Assembly in September 2017 and the State of the Union earlier this year, Donald Trump was the very embodiment of an American president. He spoke with purpose and with clarity and with all of the statesmanship that any of us could want from the Commander in Chief.

Speaking of the righteous cause of the young American men who stormed ashore in France in 1944, the president said,

They battled not for control and domination. But for liberty, democracy and self-rule. They were sustained by the confidence that America can do anything because we are a noble nation, with a virtuous people, praying to a righteous God. As they confronted their fate, the Americans and the Allies placed themselves into the palm of God’s hand.”

Certainly, Trump’s coastal elite, secular-left detractors heard nothing eloquent at all in that passage. Many in those rarefied circles are uncomfortable with the idea of a righteous God and most certainly outright reject the idea of American nobility. But in the heartland, you can be sure that the president’s words resonated.

I have come to accept the brash, intemperate Trump. But, I have to say, I really like the Trump I heard speak at Normandy.

Paul Gleiser

Paul L. Gleiser is president of ATW Media, LLC, licensee of radio stations KTBB 97.5 FM/AM600, 92.1 The TEAM FM in Tyler-Longview, Texas.

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8 Responses

  1. Buddy Saunders says:

    Trump being Trump doesn’t bother me half as much as his opposition being what it is–a body of people who hate Trump because he represents people like me. Everything they say about Donald Trump they apply equally to me and all the President’s supporters. We are all racist, ignorant bumpkins, and worse.

    But consider. What would have been worse, far worse than a sometime impolitic President Donald Trump? Think lying Hillary or little Jeb.

  2. Jeff Goldblum’s character in “The Big Chill:”

    “Rationalizations are better than sex. When’s the last time you went a day without a rationalization?”

  3. Buddy Saunders says:

    Mr. Cooke’s comments are intended to demonstrate a cleverness of thought that just isn’t there. Rarely does he contribute any thought that is useful.

  4. Ron Eagleman says:

    The vague response to Paul’s question: “What exactly in this piece comes anywhere close to a rationalization?” is exactly what you would expect. From this ilk, there are never cogent or specific answers to questions; they usually use evasive non-answers; therefore, there is never an opportunity for productive dialogue. Although I find the blind support for all things anti-Trump to be somewhat amusing, it would be more credible to at least admit that a deep-seated hatred of the personal attributes overshadows the outstanding achievements of this administration. Most of us will be honest and say that the personality of a non-politician New Yorker from Queens leaves a lot to be desired, but his progress in improving America and the lives of Americans is worth every cringe. If one wants to be superficial, the smooth talking community organizer from Chicago was a great president; although, he accomplished nothing positive for our country, and his negative influence is the main reason we now have President Trump. Maybe, even with all of his warts, our president can continue to reverse some of the harmful policies of the previous administration.

  5. AS IF the previous administration leaving SUCH a crater wasn’t bad-enough, NOW fake news from that lefty rag Forbes!

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