Memo to Dems: The voters are speaking.

Thousands stand in lines that stretch for blocks from the American Airlines Center in Dallas hoping for a seat inside for a campaign rally by President Donald Trump. (Photo by Paul L. Gleiser)

As I write this Thursday afternoon thousands of people are lining up outside the American Airlines Center in Dallas for a rally by President Trump. Not everyone in line will get a seat. Those lining up are grateful that the summer heat that wore out its welcome well into October has at last broken.

Not that an unseasonably hot afternoon would likely deter them. Since the middle of 2015, Trump supporters have stood for hours outside arenas across the country in all kinds of weather just to have the opportunity to see Trump being Trump live and in person.

To the unending consternation of Democrats and their water carriers in the media, Donald Trump is popular with a huge proportion of people in the heartland. Political pundits and jabbering cable TV know-it-alls have been saying that Texas is on the feather edge of becoming a blue state. We’ll see. But it sure doesn’t look that way Thursday afternoon in Dallas.

It makes the Dems crazy that a majority of voters in a majority of precincts in a majority of counties in a majority of states were so stupid as to select Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. Clearly they were hoodwinked. Misled. Manipulated. It was the Russians. It was James Comey. No, it wasn’t James Comey. Oh wait…it was James Comey. And talk radio. And Fox News.

Never will the Dems admit that Donald Trump struck a chord in the heartland by pointing out that trade policies under four previous administrations had had the perverse effect of importing permanent, structural unemployment into the United States. They don’t want to hear that Trump resonated with middle-of-the-country voters when he promised to stop the influx of about a hundred or so thousand illiterate peasants coming across our southern border every month.

Most voters don’t want to pay higher prices for gasoline in order to “save the planet.” Nor do they want to constantly have to kiss the rings of autocratic Middle Eastern mullahs in order to be able to fill up at the gas station. All presidents prior to Trump had occupied some spot on the energy policy continuum between mouthing platitudes about “energy independence” on the one hand and outright hostility toward the oil & gas industry on the other.

Along comes Donald Trump and reams of stultifying energy regulations get consigned to the shredder and the next thing you know, America is a net energy exporter.

All of these things and more the voters in the American heartland liked in prospect and now like even more in reality. Thus the long lines Thursday in Dallas.

All of which puts Democrats in the uncomfortable position of trying to overturn the stated will of those very voters via endless investigations and ostentatious attempts at impeachment.

It’s a losing strategy for Democrats. If the Dems want to govern, they need to win outright at the ballot box. Judging from the past three years, it appears that they don’t much like their chances.

Paul Gleiser

Paul L. Gleiser is president of ATW Media, LLC, licensee of radio stations KTBB 97.5 FM/AM600, 92.1 The TEAM FM in Tyler-Longview, Texas.

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7 Responses

  1. Trump Line-of-The-Night: “We have so much ammunition we don’t know what to do with it.”

  2. Ron Eagleman says:

    Yes Paul, your statement: “it appears that they don’t much like their chances” is the crux of all the pain to which the Democrats and their cheerleaders have subjected this country for the last 3 years. After all the failed attempts at recounts, intimidation of the electoral college, fake dossiers, collusion accusations, you name it, these power-hungry politicians are down to a star chamber trial to damage our president. They have no chance for a recall, even if an impeachment is successful, but this is all they have to appease their base. If you think about it, this smear campaign may not remove the president, but this tactic could keep the radical constituents on the plantation. As a bonus, potential Trump donors, volunteers, and moderates may be be intimidated, for fear of repercussions from this mob. Additionally, as focused and successful as he has been, this constant headwind has been a distraction for our president. Can you imagine how much more could have been accomplished if the Dems had supported some of his efforts? For example, the China trade negotiations would already have been finalized if they knew that Americans were on the same page; instead of them holding out hope that Joe Biden would be sitting across the table. Having witnessed how a non-politician has been able to solve so many of our difficult problems with a private enterprise approach, I would support an amendment that bars any politician from running for president! What chance has that got?

    • Buddy Saunders says:

      Ron’s point that President Trump could have accomplished far more if he had had bipartisan support rather than obstruction is very much on target. The Democrats and their media enablers have shown time and again that the good of this nation takes a distant back seat to their craving for power.

  3. Buddy Saunders says:

    I watch Trump’s when he speaks to massive crowds around the country. He’s an excellent speaker, makes sense in what he says, and IS keeping promises. There really is a swamp and he really is draining it. That has made him a lot of enemies, even in the Republican Party. I’ve tried to listen to the Democrat debates, but so far I’ve lasted less than half an hour before being so fed up with their nuttiness and Trump bashing that I didn’t have the stomach to continue. The Democrats are trying to impeach Trump, not for anything he’s done, but to eliminate the Republican who is certain to win in the next election, so that their lackwit candidates can run against a beatable Republican lackwit on the order of Mitt Romney.

  4. Lefty talking heads who ask “Why is Trump holding a rally in Texas? Is he afraid it’s turning Blue?” are overlooking the obvious;

    Big crowd = Big $. Even the thousands outside were probably buying made-in-China MAGA hats from street vendors.

    And Trump seems to fear Mitt Romney less than Rush Limbaugh seems to.

    • C M Solomon says:

      Your deflection of the subject at hand to yet another trite Trump hatred tale seems not to have reached a bottom. However, I know that your comments are simply to get attention by unwarranted provocative statements since they don’t make any sense to us of the deplorable class. Pardon me for giving you a reply, anyway.

      Paul’s list of the pillars of Trump’s popularity by explaining “that Donald Trump struck a chord in the heartland” is a simple logical deduction to any loyal American willing to accept reality (while ignoring the perpetual LIES from the Democrats and their media propaganda machines that floods the nation 24/7/365). To keep my sanity, I have to silence (turn off) 98% of the media in almost every venue.

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