And we wonder why the country is drowning in debt.

Only six percent of federal workers report to a federal office space on a full-time basis.

Paul GleiserAnd we wonder why the country is drowning in debt.

Here are two numbers for your consideration.

Thirty-four and six.

Thirty-four is the number in trillions of dollars of the U.S. national debt. It’s an incomprehensible number. The word trillion was at one time reserved for discussion regarding distances in the cosmos. Thirty-four trillion miles is about 5.8 light years. That debt is increasing at the rate of about $5.8 billion per day. It means that a baby born today in this country is coming into the world with a $100,000 debt burden hung around its tiny little neck. That burden will only increase day by day.

The second number – six – is the percentage of federal government employees who are working full time in the offices provided for them by whichever federal agency for which they are employed.

You, being the math whiz that you are, can immediately then calculate that 94 out of 100 federal employees either seldom or never use their government offices. This despite an executive order from President Biden ordering federal workers back to the office following the COVID pandemic. Most federal employees just flat out ignored the order.

Among the many implications of the “six” number is the fact that zillions of square feet of office space located in Washington, D.C. – and in very nearly every city of any size in the country – are sitting vacant (particularly on Fridays).

Oh, but they’re “working from home.”

As Joe Biden would say, “C’mon, man!” Sure, some of those employees are putting in a good, solid day. But don’t insult me by telling me it’s most of them. Human nature is human nature. It was close to impossible to get fired from a federal job before everyone went home for the pandemic. If you believe that we’re getting a day’s worth of work for a day’s worth of pay from the 94 out of 100 federal employees who can’t be bothered to come to the office even after they were ordered to do so, I would love an invitation to visit you on your planet. (What color is the sky?)

Speaking of planets, a job on the federal payroll is one of the sweetest deals on this one. There are Lord knows how many studies out there showing that the average federal employee makes 30 to 40 percent more than a private sector employee doing comparable work. And, again, it’s close to impossible to get fired.

The two numbers, “34,” as in trillions of dollars of debt, and “six,” as in percent of federal employees reporting to the office, are not disconnected. In the real world, an organization that is bleeding money looks for ways to cut fixed costs and boost productivity. The fastest way to do that is to reduce head count and get rid of excess overhead.

But this is the government and just-released jobs numbers reveal that federal hiring continues to greatly outpace private sector hiring.

One of the planks in the GOP’s 2024 campaign platform is “Reining in Wasteful Federal Spending.”


Start with a federal hiring freeze.

Paul Gleiser

Paul L. Gleiser is president of ATW Media, LLC, licensee of radio stations KTBB 97.5 FM/AM600, 92.1 The TEAM FM in Tyler-Longview, Texas.

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3 Responses

  1. Michael Gauthier says:

    I also understand that more than half of government hires are illegal aliens.

  2. Mike says:

    Once again Paul has brought to the forefront a critical topic that will affect us all at some point down the road if WE do not pay attention and act accordingly. Way back in the early 2000’s in a mercantile/ restaurant in Mineola, Tx where I was eating lunch there was a poster that had an excellent example of comparison of a million dollars versus a billion dollars; it was almost beyond a person’s comprehension. The example was stacks a.k.a. bundles of hundred dollar bills stacked on pallets in comparison to a human standing next to it. The billion-dollar stack was mind blowing and made one envious of attempting to spend it.
    Along comes the Chinese virus that prompted the Trump Administration was prompted to allocate 1.5 trillion (with a T not a B ) dollars to combat this evil disease via “Warp Speed” vaccine development. What was so profound that a few news organizations reported was the amount of OUR money this represented. One news group said it would not all be spent in our lifetime. Think about that. As a Baby Boomer a billion dollars was nothing we could conceive of. Now we talk about Billionaires as if they are common and our National Debt is 34 trillion and climbing. What does that really mean? it is really simple if one thinks in terms of their family budget and Ronald Wilson Reagan. President Reagan, for all his faults, was smart enought to realize the USA could stimulate the Russian Empire to spend so much money they would implode and have to give up all the WWII countries they communized under the USSR (United Soviet Socialist Republic) and destroy their grip on Eastern Europe. This is exactly what the Democrats and World Economic Form group is doing to us via the Democratic Party. They are running our debt up to a point where we are going to fracture and possibly break up into a European style separatist group of something. Texas will be a Republic again; as will Virginia (Commonwealth) and others. We will be anything but united. You REALLY think Texas will allow New York or California or any other state to dictate to us how we govern ourselves???? Hell no. Or on the flip side, New York or California let Texas tell them what to do? Ha! Folks voting on November 5th could not be clearer. Those who write on this blog and say they will not vote for Trump because his name is Trump, and he is arrogant, bloviating, and I don’t like his hair is naive and not understanding the big picture at best. There is only two choices here. Marxism/Communism or maintaining our Republic. This crap of calling us a Democracy is a lie; we ARE a Constitutional Republic and running up a monumental debt will destroy us for sure. History is ripe with such examples.

  3. Darrell Durham says:

    The Democrats are famous for trying to change or ignore history that is inconvenient. The assassination attempt on Trump was planned by the same group that was successful against the Kennedy’s, and for the same reasons. They orchestrated the January 6th events also. Every revolution in history has begun due to government tyranny and oppression of the population. The constant message has been the fight to save democracy. I suggest everyone that is able to research EXACTLY what that means to do so, and then decide who is best suited to guide the country in the right direction.

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