Democrats just can’t let it go.

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump walks on stage to speak at the National Association of Black Journalists, NABJ, convention, Wednesday, July 31, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Paul GleiserDemocrats just can't let it go.

It is taken as political gospel that it is the Democratic Party – and the Democratic Party alone – that truly cares about the plight of black people in America. I believe it can be fairly said that Democrats have a race fixation. Maybe call it a fetish.

We saw that clearly Wednesday when Donald Trump appeared at the annual meeting of the National Association of Black Journalists in Chicago. ABC’s Rachel Scott began the Q&A with Trump with the clear intent of putting Trump on defense. That led to this question:

RACHEL SCOTT: Do you believe that Vice President Kamala Harris is only on the ticket because she is a black woman?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, I can say no, I think it’s maybe a little bit different. I’ve known her a long time, indirectly, not directly very much. She was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black. And now she wants to be known as black. So, I don’t know, is she Indian or is she black?”

The media, of course, are beside themselves.

The truth is Trump got rope-a-doped. He should have said it doesn’t matter whether she was a diversity hire or not, race shouldn’t matter at all.

In his defense, Trump didn’t just pull his assertion about Kamala Harris out of thin air. It came from an interview in 2016 when she was running for Senate from California.

KAMALA HARRIS: The Democratic Party for, for a very long time, not just this election cycle, has been doing a lot of active outreach around, to South Asians, around the API in general, and, and will continue to do it. I mean, what we know in particular, when you’re talking about South Asian community, we’re talking about the Indian community more specifically, it is a growing community in the United States, in terms of its voting block, in terms of its participation. And, and I think the party knows that and knows that this is part of our collective community, and there needs to be outreach and inclusion.

INTERVIEWER: And certainly it could become the first, Indian senator in US history, which would be quite an accomplishment.

KAMALA HARRIS: Knock wood. (laughing)”

Nothing better illustrates the Democrats’ race fetish. When it suited Kamala’s convenience to be Indian, she was Indian. Now it suits her to be black so she’s black.

Since 1964, Democrats have done a masterful job of demagoguing race for political gain while Republicans have largely just rolled over. As a result, black voters vote for Democrats at a rate of up to 90 percent.

But what has that demagoguery actually done for black voters? Why, in 2024, with Democrats having overseen government for more of the past 60 years than Republicans, are blacks still dealing with so many of the problems of 1964?

That’s the question black voters should be asking the first (now black) woman to run for president. It’s a question Trump should ask at every rally.

Paul Gleiser

Paul L. Gleiser is president of ATW Media, LLC, licensee of radio stations KTBB 97.5 FM/AM600, 92.1 The TEAM FM in Tyler-Longview, Texas.

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5 Responses

  1. G A Walters says:

    Charles Barkley said it best, “The Democrats only care about Black people every 4 years!”

  2. Mike says:

    Wonder if the Afro-American’s know that over 50 million of their babies have been exterminated due to abortion? They represent only 13% percent of the population of today’s America. Planned Parenthood and Margret Sanger should be the hated adversary and all who support her horrible works. Here is a short example of planned control of the black population under the false guise of being benevolent and caring. “The Negro Project, conceptualized by birth control activist Margaret Sanger and implemented by the Birth Control Federation of America (now Planned Parenthood Federation of America), was an initiative to spread awareness of contraception to lower poverty rates in the South. Once the project received funding, it was taken out of Sanger’s hands and taken over by the BFCA, who pushed funding into preexisting clinics……” This practice has not stopped and the Democrats support it 110%. So who is the racist? Trump or Planned Democratic Parenthood?

  3. Heather Crean says:

    I usually enjoy your commentary, but, goodness, not this time. Have you heard of a biracial person?? You are also way too white to wax philosophical about this woman’s ethnicity.

    • Paul Gleiser says:

      Wow, you completely missed the point of the piece. Of course I have heard of “a biracial person.” I have heard of multiracial persons.

      But I keep coming back to the simple fact that it shouldn’t matter and that I don’t care.

      I truly don’t care if Kamala Harris is Indian or black or Asian or anything else. I wouldn’t be talking about it if it weren’t for the fact that it is Kamala Harris and her fellow Democrats who care about her race. It is Democrats like Joe Biden who are forever announcing that only a person of such & such race or such & such gender is going to be considered for this or that appointment or job. As I say in my piece, Democrats have a race fetish.

      Let me say it again. Kamala Harris’s race doesn’t matter to me.

      What matters is her core beliefs. What matters is the policy agenda she would pursue if elected president. What matters is her competence to take on the job. That’s the key point of my piece this week.

      And the sub-point is this. Since 1964, Democrats have had total control of Congress 15 times compared to the Republicans who have had control seven times. In 60 years, there have been only six Republican administrations compared to eight Democratic administrations. If Democrats truly care about the plight of black people in the United States (and make no mistake, the lion’s share of Democratic Party attention to race is connected to black people), why, when Democrats have had so much time to direct national policy, are so many black people in the United States still beset with the same problems that beset them in 1964?

      At this point in America’s history, given all that this nation has done and all the treasure that has been spent to mitigate the sins of slavery followed by racial segregation, we should be well past the point of making any part of any election about the candidates’ race.

      So, to repeat so that I can be sure I have made myself clear. I care not a whit “about this woman’s ethnicity.”

  4. c.c. parks says:

    THE ORIGINAL purpose and intent of the 14th amendment was to give the the former slaves and those of involuntary servitude, who had entered the Country properly, etc. Instant Citizenship, in part because the blacks had been cheated out of the freedom of the Revolutionary War with Great Britain, by later Democrats as they tried to turn an adjective into a noun. the Democratic Republican Party of Thomas Jefferson was part of history, then came General Andrew Jackson who fought for those states ignored by the East Coast snobs from several states,
    Both Washington and Jefferson had been born into slave holding families. George Washington had freed slaves who went to combat in the War, but Washington’s probate of his estate had freed 1000 slaves not necessarily Veterans of the War.
    I can not say with certainty, other than AT that point in time The WHOLE world had been a very male dominated society. Was it a humane thing to free ignorant and illiterate slaves to fend for themselves in life in general, in the reality of a NATION constantly being on the defense from France Spain and Britain, all connected the 1783 Treaty of Peace in Paris. The border was flooded by human flesh to give aid to smugglers as a decoy and camouflage. It was intentional by the Obama back door messengers tp central American Countries, teaching how to “pillage” the welfare handouts. No judge can justify NOT ordering show of determine force at the Mexican Border. The insult to our true Texas hispanic Citizens, was never properly, recognized for Citizens of the Texas Republic such as Juan Seguin.
    Jefferson is said to have freed five slaves without any problems. Both Washington and Jefferson were MEN detested the slavery of other human beings, but such was the “accident of birth” as Ian Anderson might sing about.

    Jefferson also set the Standard of a National Policy in the Monroe Doctrine as advisor to James Monroe. That doctrine has been known our entire history, and honored by JFK, and others after.
    Communist agitation, is involved in all the riots Hannity has reported on. But when intentional lies to other countries leaves the border insure here, it endangers activities of peaceful trade and trustworthy intention.

    Mina Arkansas problems have long been covered up by Democrats and their lack of trustworthy behavior in Arkansas, raising Chelsea Clinton to call those whose protected them “pigs” was straight out of the riots of the 60’s while plenty of history against the Soviet Union remains.
    Kazeckstan has long had an abundance of Uranium, EXXON knew that. Trump however was not, I believe a “princeling” family as Scheiwezter mentions in his book, nor did he realize Tilerson DID know that, or had access to a lot of basic business in the region. As for the Taiwanese connection of Mitch McConnell, the oriental blood ties of marriage are connected to a major shipping company, the links overlap in complicated ways. Taiwan is the Chang Ki Sheck (? spelling) Government of China as our THEN (WWII) ally against Imperial Japan before and after Pearal Harbor.
    That relationship traces back to 1784 out of New York Harbor and the the first commercial ship to China called The China Empress with Captain John Greene, out of New York Harbor sailing by way of Cape Horn South Africa February 22, 1784.

    this story to be to be continued later…… Andrew Jackson, the FIRST Democratic PARTY President, of the United States of America, is basic history. His leadership won the Battle of New Orleans………..

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