What would ‘the most trusted man’ think of his alma mater?

Paul GleiserWhat would ‘the most trusted man’ think of his alma mater?


CBS News was once the gold standard in broadcast journalism. With Walter Cronkite sitting in the anchor chair, CBS dominated TV news ratings throughout the 1970s.

Though Walter Cronkite was a committed liberal, he largely succeeded in keeping his personal politics out of his reporting. As a result, he earned the title, “the most trusted man in America.”

What, then, would he think of the version of CBS News that we are suffering today?

In the span of a couple of weeks CBS has incinerated any remaining trace of its once sterling reputation.

Let’s start with CBS getting caught editing the answers that Vice President Kamala Harris gave in a “60 Minutes” interview. It was an apparent effort to clean up Harris’s word salad responses to good questions posed by Bill Whitaker.

Since when do news organizations clean up presidential candidate interviews? When did CBS ever try to clean up for Donald Trump (or any Republican)?

CBS denies it, of course. But calls for CBS to release a full transcript of the interview are so far being ignored.

Next, we have CBS brass sharply rebuking morning show anchor Tony Dokoupil for asking entirely appropriate questions of author Ta-Nehisi Coates. In his book, “The Message,” Coates characterizes Israel as the villain in its war with Hamas. While interviewing Coates, Dokoupil asked:

Tony Dokoupil: Why leave out that Israel is surrounded by countries that want to eliminate it? Why leave out that Israel deals with terror groups that want to eliminate it? Why not detail anything of the first and the second intifada, the cafe bombings, the bus bombings, the little kids blown to bits. And is it because you just don’t believe that Israel in any condition has a right to exist?

Plain and simple, Dokoupil did his job. He respectfully challenged an interview subject for presenting a one-sided picture.

But in the regular editorial meeting on October 7 (of all days), CBS management effectively apologized for the interview, saying that it did not meet CBS’s “editorial standards.” For doing his job, Dokoupil was called before the standards and practices team at CBS as well as the network’s “race & culture” unit.” (Can you just imagine that star chamber?)

Is CBS being unfair to Dokoupil? Well, here’s the test. Would CBS rebuke Gayle King for similarly grilling Donald Trump? (Don’t answer. It’s a rhetorical question.)

The demise of CBS mirrors that of all the American legacy news organizations that at one time set the world standard for broadcast journalism. A recent example includes ABC’s Martha Raddatz’s grotesquely inaccurate fact-checking of Trump running mate JD Vance on the impact of illegal immigration.

Walter Cronkite managed to be a liberal and “the most trusted man in America” at the same time. Today, even the pretense of objectivity is gone.

For very good reason, journalism is the one enterprise in America that enjoys explicit protection in the Constitution. But journalism in America is dead, having committed suicide.

Paul Gleiser

Paul L. Gleiser is president of ATW Media, LLC, licensee of radio stations KTBB 97.5 FM/AM600, 92.1 The TEAM FM in Tyler-Longview, Texas.

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5 Responses

  1. Jean Bammel says:

    I can’t explain how important it is that you continue your crusade to educate the public. Those of us that have been around and have some understanding of how business and finance work are getting older and while trying to educate those around us, the simple truth we are wearing out. Part of the wearing out is the extreme depth of the stupid we are fighting.

    • Mike says:

      BRAVO Jean! You laid out the frustration and exasperations of the Boomers attempting to explain to the XYZ Gens what a Republic and freedoms are all about; as well as the sacrifice of those who fought and dies to preserve our Republic and Constitution.
      We are dinosaurs who are so far behind the times our opinion and knowledge are antique. Well Said!!!

    • Greg R says:

      Hear, hear. And as we all know, and as hard as we try, you just can’t fix stupid.

  2. Linda E. Montrose says:

    The reason Mr. Cronkite was so good at his job is that he was a part of journalists who adhered to the old school of journalism. He was a PROFESSIONAL in other words. These so called journalists of today are merely pawns of their bosses who are probably threatening daily to keep doing what they are doing to fit the agenda. There is a HUGE gap in the journalists of yesterday and today which is really sad to see. Besides the liberals of yesterday are NOT the beasts of today who are like an awakened hibernating bear who is looking for something to kill and eat!!!

  3. CT Taylor says:

    Wish I could share your admiration of Walter Cronkite. For the most part he was a descent journalist. Compared to the likes of Dan Rather and others who succeeded him, he was great, but for us who served in Vietnam, his reporting on the war was not always fair. I do remember workin g at a local fast food place in Marianna, Florida on November 22, 1963 when he interrupted local broadcasting to report on JFK being shot and in my opinion that was him at his best.

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