Here come The Disrupters.

Paul GleiserHere come the Disrupters

President-elect Trump is moving a warp speed to fill out his administration.

Top Democrats, the legacy media and most of the permanent Washington bureaucracy are aghast. The reaction of Sidney Blumenthal, a senior advisor to Bill Clinton, is fairly typical. He said in a Wednesday op-ed in The Guardian:

Trump’s cabinet picks are agents of his contempt, rage and vengeance.”

Well, Sid, that’s a bit much don’t you think? But I’ll give you this. Trump’s picks this go-around constitute a clear departure. Missing are the likes of Jim Baker, Bill Barr, Dick Cheney, Jeff Sessions and Josh Bolten – all central casting Washington establishment types – that served in either or both of the last two Republican administrations.

This crowd is different. I’m going to call them “The Disrupters.” Trump is trying to create a quasi-superhero force to turn Washington on its head. And I have news for you, Sidney. The implicit promise in the Trump campaign of such disruption is exactly why he won the election.

The American people have had it with Washington-as-usual.

Is America’s education of its youth better than it was when the Department of Education was formed in 1979? (Don’t answer. It’s a rhetorical question.)

The motto of the Department of Health & Human Services is, “Improving the health, safety and well-being of America.” Are we healthier, safer and more well than when the department was formed in 1980? Another question that answers itself.

Starting under Obama the Department of Justice has transformed itself into something resembling the STASI of East Germany. Do you feel confident that we still have ‘equal justice under the law?’

We can pretty much go department by department and ask similar questions and get similar answers about each.

The Congressional Budget Office reported recently that at least 1,264 federal agencies and bureaus have expired authorizations yet still received a total of $516 billion in funding in fiscal year 2024.

There are 2.2 million civilian federal employees, which makes the executive branch of the United States government the largest civilian employer in the country and among the top three in the world. (Wal-Mart and Amazon are bigger only if you count their overseas employees.) Most of those federal employees were sent home during COVID and most of them have stayed home, despite being ordered by President Biden to return to the office. As a result, according to the Government Accountability Office, 17 of the 24 largest federal agencies use on average only 25 percent of the office space that you and I are paying for.

I have news for Sid Blumethal and his fellow travelers. Cleaning this up (and there’s so much more of it) is what the American people hired Donald Trump to do.

So, I’m onboard with The Disrputers. Their arrival is long overdue. The swamp creatures are going to resist The Disupters with everything they have. Victory is by no means assured.

But Trump’s cabinet lineup this time sends a clear signal that the battle to drain the swamp will be fully joined.

Paul Gleiser

Paul L. Gleiser is president of ATW Media, LLC, licensee of radio stations KTBB 97.5 FM/AM600, 92.1 The TEAM FM in Tyler-Longview, Texas.

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1 Response

  1. Mike says:

    Ya Know, there are so many different Departments of, the average working person has no idea what half of them are. And lets not stop there, how about those Czars. Obama created that nother level of useless trough feeders. Eliminate all 32 or 33 of them and their help. Elon is correct, 2 trillion dollars can be eliminated off the debt by getting rid of the pork. Lets not forget the absolutely insanely stupid and “make your head explode” grants that these colleges and foundations get to explore the mating habits of Goby fish, or the life span of a Painted lizard, etc, etc. How about helping our homeless veterans? And most of all I want revenge!!!! I want a thorough investigation and trial of Mayorkas, Biden, Harris, and all others who allowed all the illegals to invade our country. This should be a slam dunk trial and sentence these people to prison for more crimes than I can list attached to said invasion; Treason period! The Democrats and their criminal activites are boundless. I cannot wait for January to get here and the change to happen!!!!

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