Directly over the target.

President Donald Trump listens as Elon Musk speaks in the Oval Office at the White House, Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025, in Washington. (Photo/Alex Brandon)

Paul GleiserDirectly over the target.

Given the amount of fire he’s taking, we can be certain that Elon Musk is directly over the target. In addition to having ignited a wave of howling by enraged Democrats over his upending of the waste and corruption at the United States Agency for International Development ($2 million for sex change surgeries and “LGBTQ activism” in Guatemala anyone?), Musk has uncovered breathtaking sloppiness and massive fiscal irresponsibility at the Treasury Department.

That’s not all. He’s all over the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, calling for it to be shut down because it is operating without congressionally approved funding, and it is promulgating banking regulations that have the perverse effect of making credit and financial services harder to obtain for low-income consumers.

Everywhere he shows up, he finds staggering levels of waste, inefficiency and fraud on the part of the federal government that we pay for and that is supposed to be working for us.

You’d think that rooting out waste and fraud would be enjoy bipartisan support. But no. Democrats are beside themselves. Here’s Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, (a Native American descendant, just ask her), shrieking about Elon Musk at a small public rally Monday.

This is like a bank robber trying to fire the cops and turn off the alarms just before he strolls into the lobby.”

Yeah, Liz, that’s it. It’s not that billions of dollars taken from the paychecks of those hard-working low income and middle-class taxpayers you say you’re all about are being wasted in the most grotesque ways possible. It’s that Elon Musk – the richest man in the world – is trying to steal from them. In fact, it’s the Leviathan state that Democrats so strongly favor that is stealing, and in ways that no one has dared to imagine until now.

You sometimes have to ask, can these people hear themselves?

In the case of Musk’s criticisms of the Treasury Department, rather than saying, “Wow it looks like the Treasury is long overdue for an audit,” attorneys general from 19 blue states filed suit in Federal Court for the Southern District of New York – a friendly venue for Democrats. The judge, Obama appointee Paul Engelmayer, issued an order blocking access by Musk and the DOGE team to the Treasury payments system.

The order essentially says that only permanent federal bureaucrats can have access. Mere “political appointees” cannot. Never mind that the Secretary of the Treasury is a political appointee. The ruling is ridiculous on its face. The Treasury secretary can look at anything at the Department of the Treasury that he wants. And so can anyone else appointed by the president – say, for example, Elon Musk.

God bless Elon Musk and God bless Trump for appointing him to this role. All of us who pay taxes take have long known that we are, to some degree or another, being ripped off. But Democrats are panicking because we’re all about to find out that it is many, many, many orders of magnitude worse than we thought.

Let the sunlight in.

Paul Gleiser

Paul L. Gleiser is president of ATW Media, LLC, licensee of radio stations KTBB 97.5 FM/AM600, 92.1 The TEAM FM in Tyler-Longview, Texas.

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9 Responses

  1. David Beeedlove says:

    I love it
    Long overdue!!!!
    Bring it on as I file my 2024 tax return!

  2. Pete Fasanello says:

    I wonder how many of these judges are taking kickbacks or are just owned by the Democrat traitors ?

  3. Michael Roger Reagan says:

    Time for the taxpayer to raise nine kinds of hell to their Senators and Representative. These repeated long-standing crimes must have accountability in the Justice System. I am repeatedly writing Ted Cruz, John Cornyn, and my US Representative, Lance Gooden. I asked them why we should pay taxes; I am not funding condoms for Hama’s, or Iraqi Sesame Street, or Drag Queen plays and LGBTXYZ comics for South America, or….on and on with the waste, fraud, and abuse. I am demanding ALL the past money I paid in taxes be refunded; and I will be sending Statements over and over until I get my money back!!!! If we ALL do this, those idiots will have to listen and do something. Full Court Press on them asap. I have lost adjectives for this garbage. BUT, they are going to answer, one way or another why the hell do we have to pay taxes if we get this rot.

  4. Linda E. Montrose says:

    The light has been flipped on and now the roaches are scattering!

  5. MA says:

    This article could easily have been a celebration of elimination of excesses/fraud/etc in government spending. Instead, the author stoops to “diss-ing” the party he does not align with. The excesses/fraud/etc in government spending was not birthed by one single party – it is the progeny of both of the two major parties. Comments speak of how fed up citizens are with these spending excesses. Citizens are also getting fed up with the divisiveness of the major parties. When the tide turns – when the majority of citizens have finally had enough of the divisiveness, we will also have had enough of authors who promote it. I listen to 97.5FM regularly. From this point forward I will be tuning out Paul Gleiser.

    • Paul Gleiser says:


      You are correct, the article could have been about celebrating the elimination of excesses and fraud in government spending. It could have been about anything.

      What is was about is the fact that all of the howling about Elon Musk, acting at the direction of President Trump, daring to even look at how our money is being spent is coming from the Democrats.

      You are correct in your assertion that both parties have been irresponsibly profligate with the money they collect from us via taxes and the money they confiscate from our children and grandchildren via irresponsible borrowing. Pundits call Washington, D.C. the city of the “Uniparty” for a reason.

      But now that the curtain is being raised and sunlight is pouring in and we are seeing the mind-bending scope of the fiscal irresponsibility that has taken place for the past three decades (at least), it is the Democrats who are melting down. To the extent that squishy RINO Republicans are still in the picture, they are, at present, at least smart enough to keep their mouths shut.

      The point of the piece is that every American, irrespective of party, should be fully supportive of ending the grotesque waste of our money that has been taking place for much too long. How can anyone object to not wasting money?

      I am “diss-ing” the Democrats because as of right now, they are the ones making all the noise.

      The government, via the Internal Revenue Service, has the unlimited right to examine every dollar you take in as to its origin and to examine every dollar you spend as to where it is spent and to whom it goes. No part of your financial life is exempt from audit by the IRS.

      The same should apply to the government via those we elect. Every department of the government, including the IRS, should be subject to audit so that the American people know how and on what their money is being spent.

      The fact that the Democrats are howling so loudly about even the beginnings of such oversight is instructive and worth noting, as I did in my article.

      • Leon says:

        Mr. Gleiser,
        While I strongly agree with your article & your response above, I am reminded of some commentators I listen to who point out their remarks are not a criticism of all Democrats – or all government workers, etc. There are Democrats who are still rational people who are hardworking taxpayers. It is the crazies who make the most noise.

    • Michael Roger Reagan says:

      This is divisiveness in respect to fraud, waste, and corruption in spending our tax dollars. The Democrats are 110% for spending all the money we can print and go into debt until we implode. Printing billions upon trillions of dollars equal inflation and recession on us, the ordinary folks. Republicans, although are mostly spineless, do not agree in principle for this destruction of America. The Progressive Left (Biden was just a figurehead as well as Queen Kackles ) who are the Globalist Billionaires are in it to destroy the last bastion of Freedom, America as in the USA. Do Not be fooled; the Globalist are in it to dominate the World. The USA IS the last rock of true Republican Freedom left to hold Liberty and Freedom together. This is no joke. Germany is descending into real Third Reich Fascism, Europe in trouble financially and morally. America, IS the only hope of the free world.
      President Trump, Elon, J.D. Vance, etc. are leading us in the right direction. YOU cannot deny spending Billions of money on idiot, stupid, absurd, spending as in Condoms for Hamas, Trans comics, Trans Animals, Condoms for Africa, etc. YOU really want this? I would think not. YOUR tax dollars were going for this nonsense. And would keep going if not for this election. We are sinking like the Titanic; but, now the balloons have been deployed into the wrecked areas to at least keep this gigantic ship afloat. Elon Musk is doing a great job of weeding out this garbage spending. President Trump is weeding out the Swamp and killing the infested animals and weeds that are sucking the life out of us. This will be painful and prolonged. But in the end; our grandkids and great grandkids will be in a much better position to be successful as will the America’s and all the other Freedom loving peoples. Stay the course; it will be worth it.

  6. Karen says:

    It IS wAY worse than people imagine; I bought a HUD -Foreclosure @ market price 2019, started to notice during each rain water traveling down side fence line, driveway, carport, towards foundation and down the back fence line, this property floods from Storm Water and also a neighbor built a “non-permitted swimming pool” allowed to overflow/discharge contaminating my property including the Fire Hydrant, City Water Service Line and street. I’ve contacted every department and no one can tell me the “unauthorized discharge Hotline” telephone number to report Water Pollution as required by State regulations or NPDES rules. I have basically purchased surface rights but I can’t unpack, store my property, rehabilitate it, sell it or move out (just trapped) into performing long days of hard labor as I work to protect and recover from property damage after EACH rain. I pay full market property taxes; without any benefits in homeownership, while the Gov and my neighbor BENEFIT (unlawfully) at my expense. No accountability from any government agencies on many levels Local, State or Federal, nothing but the run around. Quiescently today I heard on the News a City interested in buying/selling Water from East Texas? Worse we pay a % tax for Storm Water Maintenance or control. Police (I thought protect property rights from Trespass? Dumping?) Attorneys I have contacted said that I need a TEAM of Lawyers; Civil, Real Estate, Environmental, State etc. (lots of time/money) It has been a TOTAL NIGHTMARE and no officials care enough about a “public health threat” while their duty, will rarely return phone calls or schedule for investigation. It’s like a multi-level marketing scheme of “I don’t knows” it’s jurisdictional, It’s been Re-delegated, “what’s wrong with Green Pool Water?”~ It’s too expensive to use chemicals in the winter. What about dead animals? Kids play in the street Storm Water! SERIOUSLY…If I can have justice; I will request each one to be FIRED!!! Train them to be the solution; as intended/paid being in Public Service; re-pay/refund a percentage of their wages, while they each spend one year living/working in contaminated environment and suffer from the same damages they have allowed/caused to people in similar conditions to mine. Next they will provide the resources in assistance to recovery, rebuilding the lives from the people they ignored and/scammed for a profit. How much are we paying these agencies? and for what results? We need contracts with charge backs!

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