A great country should expect better.

Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, disrupts President Donald Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, March 4, 2025, and is escorted out. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Since President Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress Tuesday evening, much has been written and said about the Democrats’ childish behavior in the House chamber. I kept picturing a two-year-old flinging her cereal bowl from the tray of her highchair. It was all embarrassing, beneath the dignity of the institution and ultimately pointless.
Others have given a detailed recounting. Permit me only to add that I lament that Al Green is from Texas.
Instead, let’s just say that if you can’t applaud for bringing a moment of sunshine into the life of a 13-year-old boy who otherwise lives under the constant dark cloud of brain cancer, there’s something truly wrong with you.
So long as Democrats keep doubling down on stupid with their silly tantrums and their ad nauseum characterizations of Trump as Hitler and his supporters as racist, bigoted, homophobic, uncultured Neanderthals, the prospects for Republican electoral success will be bright. The Democrats’ far left lunacy may still play well in the cloistered coastal enclaves where elite liberals tend to cluster. But it appalls people in the heartland of the country. Democrats are losing the people who feed us, defend us, fix our machines, stock our shelves, clean up after us, pay their taxes and do their best to raise responsible children. Many in that great middle-of-the-country, middle-of-the-political-road-cohort once voted Democrat. It was their votes for Donald Trump that made the critical difference last November.
Conservative pundits might look upon the Democrats’ self-immolation as good news. And in the short term, they’re probably right.
But in the bigger picture – the picture that includes the long-term health of the republic – I’m one who looks upon the Democrats and wishes they’d get better.
A healthy society needs robust competition in the marketplace of ideas. Businesses and organizations that don’t face worthy competition become complacent and lazy. Political parties that lack principled competition become vulnerable to their own excesses.
The Dallas Cowboys of the mid 1990s were certainly great because they had great players and a great coach. (His name was Jimmy Johnson, Jerry. He’d likely have won you many more championships if you hadn’t childishly run him off.) But the 1990s Cowboys were also great because they knew they had to face the San Francisco 49ers.
I remember the Democratic Party that was once the party of Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Joe Lieberman. Democrats of that era may have been wrong in the eyes of their Republican opponents. But those Democrats were principled in their positions and the Sturm & Drang of politics notwithstanding, largely decorous in their pursuit of them.
And by and large, the country thrived.
That Democratic Party is long gone. In its place are the glum faces, pink dresses, idiotic protest paddles and foaming-at-the-mouth outbursts of Tuesday night.
It’s hard not to take delight watching the Democrats dig their hole even deeper. But for Republicans to be at their best, and for the nation to truly hit its peak, I wish the Democrats would get better.
I for one do not want them to “get better”. I want them to be dissolved and go away; far away where their insanity cannot pollute anyone or anything American. Education is no longer education; it is a perverted social experiment meant to destroy the nuclear family, our traditions, and culture. Science is meant to brain wash us to be horrified of climate change so radical we are going to burn up or drown next year because the polar ice is going to melt and flood us all. Biology of the Left turns boys to girls and girls to boys and if you want you can be anything in the alphabet you choose to be; maybe a wolf or cat or dog or horse. Lets just throw the door open and let anyone and everyone “come on in to our country, house, apartment, store, and do whatever you see fit. Burn it down, steal stuff, rape, murder, whatever; don’t worry we know the people who have “stuff” really does not need it and if you killed them; they deserved it. Oh By The Way, YOU do not need natural gas, propane, butane, or any other cooking or heating gas. YOU do not need a gasoline/diesel vehicle; only an electric car that you cannot afford or find a way to charge it; never mind making a trip across Texas. YOU do not need to own your own property; we will give it to someone who is much worse off than you. White people are racist automatically. Your tax dollars are going to be used for any completely insane, stupid, incomprehensible thing your mind on drugs can image; such as condoms for Hamas to make balloons for bombs they can float over Israel (seriously?). I can write a 100 page book on all the completely stupid, idiotic, wasteful, fraudulent, illegal stuff (want to call it sh#$) the Democrats can come up with. Like $2 billion for Stacey Abrams NGO for example; what the hell is she going to do with $2 billion dollars of our tax money? Keep it. So do I want the Democratic Party to exist? NO!!!! HELL NO!!!!!
I completely concur with Mike.
Paul you sound like the very RHINOS, that in their acquiescence to the democrats , have provided said democrats with the unaccountable playing field to F us all. Surely you would have jerked that 2 year old out of the high chair and paddled their ass till they couldn’t sit down!
It’s not the Democratic Party it’s the Democrat party.
You need to re-read the piece. I am by no means “acquiescing” to the Democrats that we saw Tuesday night. I am indicting them in the strongest possible terms.
Yes, of course, I would have dealt with the petulant two-year-old. But the point of the piece is that Democrats used to suffer merely for being wrong. Now, they’re so out of the mainstream of what most Americans consider to be acceptable that they have stopped being a legitimate opposition party.
Make no mistake. Competition is a good and necessary thing. Right now, the Democrats are so unhinged that they are losing by default. We on the right might like that. But the country would be better served if the Democrats were capable of engaging in thoughtful debate on policy. The heat and pressure of principled competition would make the Republican Party better.
As of now, the Democrats are not capable of principled, thoughtful debate.
And, FYI, it is, in fact, the Democratic Party, See here.
And also, it’s not “RHINO,” as in the African ungulate mammal characterized by a prominent facial horn. It’s “RINO,” for Republican In Name Only.
You called it right Mike!!! The dems are going to have to do a heap big culling, like getting rid of mad maxie, omar, warren, adam schitt, schumer, humpty dumpty nadler and the list goes on. But in order for to EVER get the dems to listen instead of act like toddlers you are going to HAVE to TAKE ACTION! Not to just threaten but ACT… don’t just threaten to send them to prison … DO IT! You know there are AT LEAST half that need to be investigated down to the bare bones! BUT the main thing that needs doing is TERM LIMITS and a tighter rein!
My hope is that we do not become complacent, not aware that Democrats might be playing a “rope-a-dope” plot toward that end.
I wonder how many race cards will be thrown
Great analysis Paul! I agree that the Democrats need to be better.
I remember back in 2004 when my former Georgia governor, Democrat Zell Miller, spoke at the Republican national convention saying that he didn’t recognize the Democrat party then. He certainly wouldn’t recognize it today.
I believe that Nancy Pelosi is still running the party and all she knows to do is hate President Trump and resist anything that he does. Until a Democrat emerges who is willing to work with Republicans to find common ground, I believe they will stay lost.
I was a Democrat and now a Libertarian. Personally don’t care what Democrats do and wish everyone in talk radio would not give them so much air time. There are bigger things to talk about than them. I finally, after three years of looking found a place to live for myself. 80 in August this year. Worked as a political volunteer with both sides of the aisle. What is interesting to me is all the male Presidential candidates are pro-life with no exceptions. Their wives are not. Just shows us , this issue is a female vs male thing after all. Males cannot be raped and have children. Young girls of childbearing age and women as far as nature allows can have them. All President Trump did was send it back to the states , but tried to appease women and young teen she was on their side…..didn’t mean much.
I want every pro-life person without exceptions at all to sit by a rape victim (women or teen girls) while she gets a rape kit done. Doctor won’t let you do this unless victim agrees. Or simply listen to them (AND NOT TALK) For the first time in a talk show host’s career, they will have to listen….Doctors probably won’t let you in the exam room . think of this when a family member or friend is raped or victim or incest or a mom has to carry a dead baby to turn. Governor Abbott cannot get rid of rape,,,,,as he said he would do
This is a huge issue for me and almost didn’t vote at all. Pollical volunteer from age 14, both red and blue. Am 80 no and honestly few friends my age or from 60 on voted for anyone. Too bad, as senior citizens used to vote more than any other block.
We felt we were being ignored in 2024….well, we were. Another oddity, radio and TV stations that have ED commercials every other 10 minutes also have on air talk show hosts who do not believe in exceptions for abortion.
FYI: I am a rape survivor, a brutal tape. Could not have children because of it. My sister did not survive incest. I live in Texas and ashamed of the governor, Lr. Governor and A.G Don’t remember any woman sitting at the table when the Heartbeat bill was signed. CAME CLOSE TO NOT VOTING AT ALL LAST YEAR