No one said it was going to be easy.

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein
Common sense has become a common theme for President Donald Trump.
So, what exactly is common sense? I think it’s like obscenity. I know it when I see it. For certain, much of what we have suffered from the Left makes a mockery of common sense. Here are some examples.
Does it make sense to allow millions of poor, unskilled, unvetted, social services-consuming immigrants – a meaningful percentage of whom are likely to be criminals or terrorists – into our country?
Does it make sense to cast aside education, training, competence, and natural aptitude in favor of ethnicity and skin color in hiring airline pilots and air traffic controllers? (For that matter, does it make sense for any job?)
Does it make sense for the government to keep borrowing money to spend on things that don’t make the country safer, cleaner, more secure or more prosperous?
Does it make sense to pour billions of dollars into an education system that by every objective measure is failing to educate children?
Does it make sense to force young women who compete in athletics to risk serious injury competing against a bigger, stronger male?
Does it make sense to stand mute while U.S. trade policy has the effect of exporting American jobs and strategic manufacturing capacity to nations that hate us?
No country can call itself sovereign if it doesn’t have a border.
Skin color isn’t the deciding factor in one’s suitability to be an airline pilot (or a butcher, baker or candlestick maker).
You know in your personal life that unlimited borrowing is unsustainable.
What Donald Trump promised in his campaign is a return to common sense. One might substitute the word, “normal.”
For at least the past 60 years, little by little and bit by bit the Left has used language and propaganda and command of the top reaches of the culture to degrade the norms that have been in place since the founding of the nation.
However, the people who live in the heartland of the country who grow our food, stock our shelves, fix our machines, dispose of our trash and defend the peace have finally had enough. So, in 2024, many of them who had voted for Democrats their entire adult lives voted for a Republican named Donald Trump.
Trump is now committing the ultimate mortal sin in politics. He’s keeping his campaign promises. The Left – which includes the legacy media – isn’t having it. Which means, if you voted for Trump, the Left isn’t having you.
Rooting out the crazy and returning to “normal” won’t be quick, smooth or easy. The avalanche of lawsuits against Trump’s executive actions is a portent of frustrations to come. But don’t be distracted. Trump – or something like him – is what we’ve been wishing for.
Temporary setbacks will happen. Lose heart, and one can imagine a broken, dystopic country like that which was devolving under Joe Biden.
But stay the course Trump has mapped and one can imagine a country that regains its success ethic and its cultural health.
It is always a treat when you sub for Mark Davis! You are truly a renaissance man with a wonderful take on our national situation.
And thank you for this email which allows me to write to you without spending money for a stamp! God Bless you and yours!
Yet again, a beautifully written piece! Paul, you have an absolute knack for distilling complexity down to simple and straightforward fact! You are absolutely right and we all know it, apart from the progressives and their ilk. More than anything, what this nation needs is a deep dose of common sense, exactly the common sense proposed by Pres. Trump. All we need do is stand with him, be patient and by degrees our nation will better itself.
Democrats, since the founding of that political party have always had one objective; keeping control of power. They brought us slavery, the Civil War, Jim Crow Laws, the Ku Klux Clan, segregation, the Dred Scott Decision, inner city crime, the dissolution of the nuclear family, infanticide, and division of the people based of skin color, financial status, sex, and these are just the ones I can think of. All while trying to disarm the People of their right to defend themselves from them (big obtrusive government) via gun control.
For this reason they hate Trump, Elon Musk, and the American People. Trump, Musk and company are out to put the proverbial fly in the democrat punch bowl and cause them to lose power and return it to the American People! For THIS reason they fear him!
Well said! Still amazes me how many people can blindly support a party of evil that has only one objective in mind, control.
You hit the nail on the head Bill and Paul! Thanks!
Aren’t you the one that argued, surely we can select better candidates than Trump and Biden?
I’m still with you on Biden… and democrats saw it your way and dumped him. Who could have possibly been more able and willing to take on the bureaucracy that’s strangling our Republic than Trump?
To tackle an out-of-control federal bureaucracy, it requires someone with a personality as forceful as that of Donald Trump. Right now, no one possessed of such a personality other that Donald Trump comes to mind.
As to my rhetorical question concerning can’t we find better candidates than Biden and Trump, I stand by that question at the time that I first put it forward. But that was before a much more focused, much more disciplined Donald Trump emerged.
This Donald Trump is not the Donald Trump of 2020.