How the Left now rolls.

A member of the Seattle Fire Department inspects a burned Tesla Cybertruck at a Tesla lot in Seattle, Monday, March 10, 2025. (AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson, File)
In 2012, Chick Fil-A CEO Dan Cathey expressed his belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. The LGBTQ “community” went nuclear and called for boycotting Chick Fil-A.
Sales at Chick Fil-A skyrocketed. Several stores ran out of chicken. The loony-tune left’s childish boycott of Chick Fil-A boomeranged on them big time.
Perhaps this story might prompt you to reconsider your position regarding buying a Tesla. Donald Trump just bought two of them.
It wasn’t that long ago that Tesla was the darling of the Left. So darling was Tesla that Joe Biden wanted to force all of us to either own one or not drive at all. Elon Musk was to the Left a reliable, wealthy, techie-nerd liberal and Tesla vehicles were seen as the salvation of the planet.
But that was before Elon Musk began supporting Donald Trump and went to work in the Trump administration.
Just like that, Elon Musk and his highly successful car company became the embodiment of evil. And now, rather than pushing us to buy a Tesla, far-left liberals are sitting silently as organized, paid activists set Tesla vehicles on fire, sabotage Tesla charging stations and vandalize Tesla dealerships.
An anti-Musk doxing website called “DOGEquest” has reportedly published the personal information of Tesla owners, including their phone numbers and home addresses. They promise to remove the personal information once they receive “convincing evidence” that the owner has repented of sin by having sold his or her Tesla.
If you have heard any prominent Democrat publicly denounce the violence being committed upon Tesla vehicles and dealerships, please drop me a line telling me who, when and where.
Because I haven’t.
Isn’t it true to form that those on the Left – who are oh, so committed to diversity and inclusion and freedom of speech and democracy and the rule of law and all– are the ones prone to political violence?
In 2017, a far-left loon shot and seriously injured Republican representative Steve Scalise as he and colleagues were practicing for the annual Congressional Baseball Game. Donald Trump was shot and injured at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania and then stalked by a would-be shooter a few weeks later as he was playing golf.
Did anyone on the right shoot at or otherwise try to hurt Kamala Harris? Are the staffs of Democratic lawmakers being doxed by Trump supporters? Has Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck or any prominent pundit on the right called for boycotting companies whose CEOs donate heavily to Democrats?
Here’ Rep. Maxine Waters in 2019 calling for the public harassment of Trump’s cabinet.
And if you see anybody from that cabinet, in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them.
No Republican lawmaker would even consider anything similar aimed at Democrats.
What’s happening to Tesla owners and dealers is nothing short of domestic terrorism. But Democrats offer no condemnation. Because deep inside, they’re down with it.
Love to hear you fill in for Mark Davis.
Wow! You were on your A-game this morning as guest host for Mark Davis. I loved every word, from the teenage clerks being clueless on how to make change, to the practical ramifications of our overdrawn national bank account, to your in-depth explanation of intent vs results. I was driving but wanted to stand up and cheer. I also appreciated your mention that we will see a bump in unemployment claims. You’re the first commentator I’d heard to address that. All-in-all you did an awesome show this morning. Lucky me to hear it!
You are very kind. Thank you for listening.
I love your Chick-Flil-A example. When that happened I was stuck traveling to Boston and had a Chick-Fll-A sandwich for breakfast in the Philly airport, just to do my part for Dan.
Off your topic, which I support and write against often, Trump just said, “Get rid of the Department of Education. You have in your possession, or trashcan, a book I gave you some time ago called The TriA Book. It points out that the DE is not Constitutionally valid. The Constitution does not provide for government involvement with education at all. That was LBJ’s doing. But it fits with your current topic about Elon’s role in government. Congress has always allowed experts in business, trade and education to handle some things government need not go. At the time the Constitution was written, Americans enjoyed a 90% literacy rate and that included slaves. The Continental Congress looked at that and said, pffft, why mess with success and said nothing about education. There is a message there. WDE
The left never learn from their mistakes. They just never do. In fact, they tend to double down on their ignorance. IF these people were FORCE to pay for all the damage they cause, they might slow down or who knows…even stop??? But I doubt it! Habits are very hard to break. Personally, all this vitriol and hate being spewed by the left just because you may not see things as they do, is way more than just acting childish! It is like these people are stuck in the terrible TWOS! They need to GROW UP and act like adults!
People, down through the ages, who were forward thinking have given some of the most advancements that have pushed us ahead in medicine, surgical areas, in transportation etc and these morons bomb, set fire to and destroy what they know NOTHING ABOUT! Letting them get by with doing these things are not helping. They need to be punished and not just a slap on the wrists! Do these people not know that innocent people could be hurt severely OR even themselves killed or maimed???
The Lefts actions these against Tesla owners, dealers and Mr. Musk all remind me of Kristallnacht, AKA “The Night of Chrystal” where Nazi’s vandalized Jew owned businesses and homes. Very ironic since not one Democrat denounces these horrible acts, yet the left always refers to conservatives and Trump Supporters as Nazi’s themselves.
Lets not forget the Democrat party gave us slavery, Dred Scott Vs. Sanford, The KKK, Jim Crow Lynchings, segregation and lynchings. They are, and shall be for the foreseeable future the party of racism, terror, hate and hypocracy.
You make a well-articulated case, but you of all people know just how powerful the influence of the Left is on media. Even conservative media outlets bow to the pressure to report only derogatory information on Tesla (recalls common to all automakers, trade-ins as today’s examples). When one provider is supplying all of the “news” stories, you have to always guard your station from becoming a propaganda tool.
Doug, this conservative media outlet has not, in the content that we originate locally, reported only derogatory information on Teslas and EVs. We have never taken a position one way or another as to buying an EV. We regard that as the business of the buyer.
We have, however, been firm and consistent in our position against the government mandating that we purchase an EV and we have been equally firm and consistent in our objections to forcing an end to the availability of traditional gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles.