Americans want fair elections. Who knew?
Despite what elite Democrats and the media would have you believe, an overwhelming 80 percent of registered voters believe that requiring a photo ID as a prerequisite to casting a ballot is a good idea.
Despite what elite Democrats and the media would have you believe, an overwhelming 80 percent of registered voters believe that requiring a photo ID as a prerequisite to casting a ballot is a good idea.
Any objective and sober analysis of readily observable facts reveals in stark, undeniable detail that liberalism destroys everything it touches.
The actual experts that built post-war America have retired, died off and left the scene leaving us not with up & coming protégés but instead an elite “expertocracy”
We can now see what Anthony Fauci was saying in private and compare that to what he was saying in public.
For most of the 20th century, the Democratic Party was seen as the unquestioned champion of the guy who ate his lunch from a pail and had to wipe his hands before he could shake yours.
What we have learned – or at least what we should learn – from the pandemic is that people in high positions in government are quick to assume power and slow to relinquish it.
What’s missing from all of the demagoguery and wokeism on race is an honest dissertation on the sea change that began in in this country in the 1960s.
Delaware basement campaign rhetoric aside, Joe Biden is nowhere close to being the “moderate” that we were promised.
President Biden’s remarks following the verdict in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin were an absolute disgrace – an insult to people of goodwill regardless of race or skin color.
The problem with affirmative action programs is that the numerical goals eventually crowd out what should be the actual goal.
At one time Democrats weren’t entirely wrong about everything and they certainly weren’t insane as most of them are now.