Author: Paul Gleiser

Dynastic disappointment.

Papa Bush’s declaration in favor of Hillary Clinton is a thumb in the collective eye of millions of Republican voters hoping for a Trump victory – voters who, in years past, hoped with equal fervor for Bush victories.

We, the Deplorables.

Do the simple math and you come to understand that Hillary. Clinton considers upwards of one of every four Americans, whose president she wishes to be, deplorable.

The big government that can’t.

Irrespective of political inclination, Americans are becoming fed up. The creeping incompetence of the federal government is simply too obvious and offers too many examples to be ignored.


Just as Nixon could never seem to escape the Watergate story, Hillary cannot seem to escape a steady stream of potentially incriminating revelations stemming from her emails.

It really is a simple choice.

Who can better deploy the fruits of American enterprise – the federal government or those who actually produce the fruit?

Elitism, thy name is Meg Whitman.

Ms. Whitman, you can afford Hillary Clinton. But there are millions of us who can’t. Your support of Clinton is the very essence of the kind of elitism that spawned Donald Trump in the first place.

With respect to BLM: What would Rudy do?

Responsible and intellectually honest political leaders – white and black – must renounce the implicit endorsement of racism and violence by Black Lives Matter and its adherents.

Following the money.

The Saudis, the Kuwaitis and the Qataris have all been particularly generous in their gifts to the Clinton Foundation since Mrs. Clinton announced her presidential run.

That which must be named.

ISIS is gaining in strength and boldness and capacity to disrupt a free society like ours in large measure because our leadership – namely our president — refuses to call the problem by its name.