Keep Christmas well.
“…for it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child himself.”
“…for it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child himself.”
Donald Trump is gaining in the polls by loudly voicing the pent-up fear, frustration and anger felt by ordinary Americans.
Millions of ordinary Americans with only ordinary academic credentials knew from the beginning that Obamacare was not going to work.
You won’t convince a majority of Americans to support importing thousands of Syrian refugees so long as Obama’s response to the growing threat of ISIS remains so flaccid.
Our national educational goal should be to create self-sufficient, wage-earning, tax-paying adults.
In the 2012 presidential election, the mainstream media never went a day without taking a shot at Mitt Romney’s wealth. Jump ahead four years and those same media jackals are now jumping on Marco Rubio for his lack of wealth.
That Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson – two complete political outsiders – are number one and two in the polls for the GOP nomination ahead of party blue bloods is instructive.
Since the 1960s, none of the pet policies of those aging 1960s children that we saw on the Democratic debate stage has worked. From welfare to education to health care to economic policy. None of them.
We keep hitting the debt limit and therefore keep having government “shutdown” dramas because the Congress has stopped functioning as it should as keeper of the purse.
There is no political campaign without pandering and there is no pandering absent “making college affordable for everyone.”
The pope often sounds more like the product of a leftist, populist, Peronist Argentina than the spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Catholics.
If the next president wants to be remembered like Ronald Reagan, he or she will take on the formidable challenge of reducing the federal bureaucracy.