Category: Featured Articles
Whenever I hear pontification about “clean energy” from an elite leftist I can’t help asking; Does this person really believe what he is saying? Is he really this uniformed, or worse, this stupid? Or is he just being deliberately dishonest in pursuit of a political aim?
Disney – once the company that parents could count on for high-quality, enjoyable and, above all, safe entertainment for their children – has gone woke.
It is indisputably true that Democrats bearing the last names Clinton, Obama and Biden have enriched themselves both personally and politically while simultaneously enriching and emboldening Vladimir Putin.
Leftist environmentalism has been around a long time and has mostly been an expensive nuisance. But now it’s provocative.
Putin knows that renewable energy won’t replace energy from fossil fuel – certainly not quickly enough to replace the oil & gas production that Europe and the United States keep taking offline.
Taken all around, Biden’s State of the Union address was tone deaf and uninspiring, the gushing reaction from mainstream media outlets notwithstanding.
The Ukraine story is about so much more than strategic assets.
People who get up every day and go make the country work are tired of getting screwed.
Biden has been hijacked by the far-left wing of his party and the predictably horrendous results can no longer be covered up by the media.
According to essentially everyone in the progressive political and media ecosphere, white racism competes only with climate change as the number one problem facing our society.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki was at a loss to tell reporters how the president planned to fill up his day Tuesday.
I confess that I, myself, am guilty of having underestimated Biden’s abilities to foul things up.