Category: Fox 51 Primetime

All Aboard the Democrat Free Stuff Crazy Train!

The Democratic Party we remember has gone the way of rotary phones, TV picture tubes and 45 rpm records. What we have in its place is a party filled with wannabes who claw, fight, elbow and hip check each other trying to be the one farthest to the left.

Bernie has a plan.

Bernie Sanders is going to give us Medicare for All and the “rich” are going to pay for it. What could go wrong?

Here we go again.

Each time the subject of abolishing the Electoral College comes up, it reminds us anew that vast numbers of American citizens are civically illiterate.

The jobs president.

Unless you’re economically illiterate, ideologically hidebound or just blinded by hatred of Donald Trump, it is impossible to dismiss the policy successes of the Trump administration and their impact on employment.

The problem that’s not going away.

Start with the debt that he inherited and add to it the $2.5 trillion that it is now estimated that he will add by the end of 2019 and you find that President Trump is racking up debt at a pace only slightly less than that of Barack Obama.

A call to greatness.

Trump did, Tuesday night, what presidents are hired to do – call the country to be its best.

Toxic leftism.

The received wisdom of the Left says in effect that boys aren’t nascent men, they’re imperfect girls.