Category: Fox 51 Primetime
Christine Blasey Ford’s tardiness in bringing a sexual assault accusation – 36 years – coupled with Sen. Diane Feinstein’s tardiness in calling it to the attention of the Senate Judiciary Committee – is enough to raise the suspicions of even the least cynical among us.
What makes Donald Trump formidably smart is his near supernatural ability to recognize and distill into plain English what ordinary people are thinking.
The Catholic Church must examine every aspect of its clergy and must be willing to do whatever is necessary to bring about an end to the conditions that have given rise to such horrifying behavior on so large a scale.
Every president makes mistakes. In the case of Donald Trump, appointing Jeff Sessions has been by far his biggest.
John Brennan’s temper tantrum at having been relieved of his security clearance by a president who is justifiably tired of Brennan’s crap is a prime example of the very kind of swamp-dweller behavior that Donald Trump was elected to fix.
Bright-eyed lefties look at America’s wealth and they say to themselves, “There’s plenty to go around. Let’s spread it.”
Do anyone honestly believe that a Hillary Clinton economy – or even a Jeb Bush economy – would be rolling like this one is?
Any intellectually honest observer is forced to admit that the world is safer today for the U.S. and its allies than it was two years ago.
Suddenly the Elites of both Left and Right find themselves totally naked and exposed.
Tax revenues go up even as tax rates go down? It’s a puzzlement to Democrats.
The Yankees of 1978 won the pennant by winning on the margins. Similar success on the margins by Republicans should scare the hell out of Democrats.
Do Republican Never Trumpers despise Donald Trump so deeply that they would be willing to forgo the huge policy win that he made possible?