Category: Fox 51 Primetime

Media bias hatred.

Donald Trump’s real opposition comes from Anderson Cooper, Joe Scarborough, Chuck Todd, George Stephanopoulus and the rest of the glittering galaxy of smug, condescending, self-satisfied elite media liberals.

California’s fiscal suicide.

To any objective observer – objective being defined as anyone willing to do the 6th grade math – California Senate Bill 562 is nothing less than an act of state suicide.

Behold the swamp.

In the 60 odd days of the Trump presidency one thing has become unmistakably clear. Federal employees in massive numbers are dedicated to derailing Trump’s presidency by any means possible.

Cutting the budget.

In a nation burdened with $20 trillion in debt, a crumbling infrastructure and a depleted military, it may be time to find a way to live without things like the National Endowment for the Arts.

Crazy? Or massively aggrieved?

Either Donald Trump is rubber-room crazy. Or he has uncovered political wrongdoing on a scale so grand as to make Watergate look like a candy store shoplifting.