Category: Fox 51 Primetime

It’s all up to him.

In the absence of the vetting that a properly functioning fourth estate is supposed to provide, the only thing standing between Kamala Harris and the Oval Office is Donald Trump.

It’s not about either of them.

The choice isn’t between a more likable Kamala Harris or a less likable Donald Trump. It’s not about either of them.
It’s about a choice between two governing visions that are more divergent than at any time in my adult life.

Trump the Roadrunner.

The Dems must feel like Wile E. Coyote. Every surefire ACME-inspired political explosive they have deployed against Donald Trump has detonated in their faces.

Reversible error.

Just as Donald Trump’s farcical conviction can be set right by fixing the reversible errors of the trial judge, so too can America be set right by fixing the reversible errors of bad policy.