Trump’s biggest obstacle.
It’s the nearly three-million strong army of federal employees that constitutes the single biggest obstacle standing in Donald Trump‘s way.
It’s the nearly three-million strong army of federal employees that constitutes the single biggest obstacle standing in Donald Trump‘s way.
The political-class Ivy Leaguers who train back and forth between New York and Washington live in an alternate universe that most ordinary Americans don’t even know exists.
No matter what happens on November 8, all hell is going to break loose on November 9.
The mainstream media has dropped all pretense of objective reporting.
The first question in the third and final presidential debate was a real opportunity for Trump to remind us that the Supreme Court is perhaps the number one reason to choose him over Hillary.
The fact that the majority of Republican voters chose Donald Trump over the likes of Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and 13 others should be telling Republicans something.
Memo to Donald Trump. Despite the media wishing they would, most Americans don’t really care about your taxes. But they care very deeply about affording their health care.
No nation has ever borrowed so much money. No nation has ever spent so much money. Never in human history has so much money been spent with so little to show for having spent it.
Do the simple math and you come to understand that Hillary. Clinton considers upwards of one of every four Americans, whose president she wishes to be, deplorable.
Irrespective of political inclination, Americans are becoming fed up. The creeping incompetence of the federal government is simply too obvious and offers too many examples to be ignored.
Trump has done something that gives most Republicans the vapors. He spoke the truth to black voters. He said out loud what most people think but never say.
Ms. Whitman, you can afford Hillary Clinton. But there are millions of us who can’t. Your support of Clinton is the very essence of the kind of elitism that spawned Donald Trump in the first place.