Category: Fox 51 Primetime

With respect to BLM: What would Rudy do?

Responsible and intellectually honest political leaders – white and black – must renounce the implicit endorsement of racism and violence by Black Lives Matter and its adherents.

Following the money.

The Saudis, the Kuwaitis and the Qataris have all been particularly generous in their gifts to the Clinton Foundation since Mrs. Clinton announced her presidential run.

That which must be named.

ISIS is gaining in strength and boldness and capacity to disrupt a free society like ours in large measure because our leadership – namely our president — refuses to call the problem by its name.

Trump’s potential to be yuuuuge!

Donald Trump, if he understands anything, understands that for the middle class to thrive, small businesses must have relief from an anti-business government.

Independent school districts indeed.

In much the same way that a drug dealer exerts de facto control over his addicted customers, the federal government exerts de facto control over the school your child attends.

The quadrennial bad idea.

Inevitably this election season the call will come to abolish the Electoral College. It was a bad idea four years ago. It will be a bad idea four years hence.