Category: Fox 51 Primetime

The VA as microcosm.

The Department of Veterans is nothing less than a microcosm of the entire federal government – a top-down Leviathan that is callously and willfully unaccountable to those it is charged with serving and to the taxpayers that pay for it.

A supreme irony.

Republican leaders have assumed that the middle class vote is firmly in the bag and that listening to some carping and bitching from that quarter is just par for the course. No big deal.

America’s disappearing oceans.

It is dangerously naive to think that the horrors experienced by France and Belgium in the past four months will remain confined to Europe.

All for having passed on tea.

Had GOP elites taken a moment sometime between 2009 and now to have a sip of tea, they might never have had to confront the threat to their power that they clearly believe Donald Trump to be.

Hillary’s education “SWAT team.”

Hillary Clinton’s national education “SWAT Team” is but another manifestation of the liberal belief that every societal problem calls for a massive federal program requiring billions of dollars and thousands of federal bureaucrats.

Donald, I am your father.

Mitt, but for your ineptitude as a candidate, all of us – including Donald Trump – would be calling you Mr. President today.

Exoneration too late to matter.

Rick Perry might have been able to win the GOP nomination this time and he might have made a good president. But thanks to the far-left Travis County district attorney’s office, we’ll never know.

A vivid reminder that elections matter.

Assuming that Justice Antonin Scalia isn’t replaced until after the election, the next president could conceivably appoint as many as four Supreme Court justices.

Believing in the tooth fairy.

When you examine Tuesday’s results from the New Hampshire primary, it becomes immediately apparent that we have reached some sort of crossroads on the 240 year-long American political journey.


The liberal eco-doomsdayers have been wrong too often and have cost us all too much money. It’s past time to shout them down.