Category: Fox 51 Primetime

Getting education right.

Our national educational goal should be to create self-sufficient, wage-earning, tax-paying adults.

Liberal hypocrisy again on display.

In the 2012 presidential election, the mainstream media never went a day without taking a shot at Mitt Romney’s wealth. Jump ahead four years and those same media jackals are now jumping on Marco Rubio for his lack of wealth.

Old, worn out and discredited.

That Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson – two complete political outsiders – are number one and two in the polls for the GOP nomination ahead of party blue bloods is instructive.

Of Democrats and (willful) ignorance.

Since the 1960s, none of the pet policies of those aging 1960s children that we saw on the Democratic debate stage has worked. From welfare to education to health care to economic policy. None of them.

Does the left have its pope?

The pope often sounds more like the product of a leftist, populist, Peronist Argentina than the spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Catholics.

Old issues. Old prescriptions.

For more than 50 years, the United States government, mostly but not completely at the behest of the Democrats, has been obsessed with two issues: poverty and minimum wage.

The view from behind the tinted windows.

If you’re a member of the ruling class in Washington, D.C., a small army attends your every move and your relative importance is judged by the size of that small army.

Tomorrow arrives for Democrats.

Increasingly, those who voted for the first time in 1992 can’t stop thinking about tomorrow because the prospect of tomorrow is keeping them awake nights.