Why again, exactly, does college cost so much?
There is no political campaign without pandering and there is no pandering absent “making college affordable for everyone.”
There is no political campaign without pandering and there is no pandering absent “making college affordable for everyone.”
The pope often sounds more like the product of a leftist, populist, Peronist Argentina than the spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Catholics.
If the next president wants to be remembered like Ronald Reagan, he or she will take on the formidable challenge of reducing the federal bureaucracy.
For more than 50 years, the United States government, mostly but not completely at the behest of the Democrats, has been obsessed with two issues: poverty and minimum wage.
If you’re a member of the ruling class in Washington, D.C., a small army attends your every move and your relative importance is judged by the size of that small army.
Increasingly, those who voted for the first time in 1992 can’t stop thinking about tomorrow because the prospect of tomorrow is keeping them awake nights.
Is there anyone who seriously believes that Hillary’s domain “clintonemail.com” wasn’t hacked?
Obama and his apologists can try to spin the facts of his presidency however they want. But spin isn’t reality.
We have come to know what abortion doctors have long known — abortion is a gruesome business, the grisliness of which increases with each week of pregnancy.
If the shadow of the Confederacy is truly so pervasive and so dark as to be keeping black Americans from achieving economic success, let’s remove all vestiges of it.
CEO Jeff Immelt announced that GE has formed an “exploratory team” to consider moving its corporate headquarters out of Connecticut to a state with a “more pro-business environment.”
Every now and then, this piece just writes itself. Thanks to the leadership of the City of Overton, Texas, this is one of those times.