Category: Fox 51 Primetime

The true racial tragedy.

No matter what you’ve been led to believe by the race hustlers, white racism is in fact near the bottom of the list of your concerns if you’re a 22 year old black man.

Again with minimum wage? Really?

Minimum wage laws are completely unnecessary. The market for labor will set wages much more efficiently and with much better results than a bunch of posturing liberal politicians.

I do not hate Democrats.

My disagreements with Democrats are not personal. My problem with Democrats is that I so vigorously disagree with so much of what they believe.

Baltimore: A monument to Democrats.

For those who voted in a Democratic monopoly in Baltimore it’s worth asking: If you’ve done something for 50 years and it hasn’t worked, shouldn’t you at least consider trying something else?

Someone to sell it.

Give us a nominee who can speak to a bright future brought about by a strong military, a light regulatory burden, a belief in the American people and a cogent and resolute foreign policy based on American strength.