Someone to sell it.
Give us a nominee who can speak to a bright future brought about by a strong military, a light regulatory burden, a belief in the American people and a cogent and resolute foreign policy based on American strength.
Give us a nominee who can speak to a bright future brought about by a strong military, a light regulatory burden, a belief in the American people and a cogent and resolute foreign policy based on American strength.
The average salary for the chief officer of an American corporation is a bit less than $200,000 per year. Which is a third less than what Mrs. Clinton gets for an hour delivering a platitude-laced speech about income inequality.
Saddling a 21-year old kid with what amounts to a mortgage before he or she has earned a dime in the real world is irresponsible.
MSNBC was at the peak of its health in 2008 and Obama won. Its precipitous decline might thus portend trouble for the next Democratic nominee.
Franklin Roosevelt would never have traded five dangerous enemies of the United States for one Army deserter. Not even the feckless Jimmy Carter would have made such a fool of himself.
Sasha and Malia Obama have lived their lives with a mother and a father in the house who love them and who are active in raising them. For all of my disagreements with Barack Obama, this is a part of him that I like and respect.
Hillary Clinton is the very embodiment of the nouveau ‘ruling class’ that is taking over government at every level.
Take Iran at its word that it will then seek to annihilate Israel. Take Benjamin Netanyahu at his word when he says, “never again.”
The wage inequality fight is yet another leftover from the 1960s — a time for which liberals have a very special nostalgia.
Access to the Internet has happened pretty much without the “help” of the federal government. Connection speeds keep going up while costs keep coming down.
Since 1965, the United States has spent approximately $17 trillion on anti-poverty programs – an amount almost identical to the balance on the national debt. Yet poverty rates remain essentially unchanged.
No one on Earth today is threatened by radical Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians or Catholics. But as we have seen in just the past few days, we all have reason to fear radical Islamists.