Category: Fox 51 Primetime

NASA on the wane.

In 2010, President Obama promised that America would have a leadership role in space. Since then, he has effectively gutted NASA.

Obama’s spot-on election analysis.

All of the soaring Obama speeches dating back to his keynote at the 2004 Democratic National Convention came crashing back to Earth on Election Day 2014.

The messiah that wasn’t.

No cult of personality can effectively or justly govern any nation, let alone a republic of 50 sovereign states and 315 million people.

Speeches neither win nor end wars.

Peddling a fantasy that the tide of war is receding can win an election. But unless the tide really does recede, the battle will eventually have to be joined.

The latest news from the “front.”

If the goal of the War on Poverty was to significantly reduce the proportion of the population living below the poverty line, one would have to say that so far the war is a draw.

It’s the thankless jobs that matter most.

Being a good and effective parent to a small child is never-ending and to an astonishing degree thankless. The same is true for standing a never-ending watch in the defense of freedom.