Category: Fox 51 Primetime

The Great Society at 50.

Fifty years ago today, President Lyndon Johnson gave a speech at the University of Michigan in which he first proposed what he called the “Great Society.” So what of the Great Society on its 50th birthday? Sadly, there’s little to celebrate.

Thinking hard about college.

If five years after graduating college your son or daughter is likely to be earning less than what a year of that college cost, you should be very concerned.

Knowing not that they know not.

Knowing not that they know not.

From the president on down, next to nobody in the executive branch of government has any executive experience. They know not. Yet they know not that they know not.

Missing the tide at its flood.

For all his failures as a candidate, it’s it is not terribly difficult for me to imagine Mitt Romney as a better president than Barack Obama.