Category: Fox 51 Primetime

Read my lips. You can keep your health plan.

Until Obamacare went “live,” most people viewed the debate on health care as purely political and mostly abstract. Now it’s real and the reality is causing heartburn for the Obama administration.

Obamacare is only a symptom.

Obamacare is only a symptom.

Whether articulated in these terms or not, what we are seeing is what happens when a small number of elites presume to impose upon us their priorities at the expense of those of the majority.

Boehner digs in.

One might forgive the president for standing firm on Obamacare, his signature legislative achievement. But there can be no forgiving his intransigence with respect to the rest of the federal budget.

Jabba vs. Mt. Rushmore.

That the vast majority of federal spending proceeds apace during what is laughingly called a shutdown is testament to the fact that federalism as envisioned by the founders has long slipped its constitutional moorings.

You'll never hear them say it.

You’ll never hear them say it.

You will not hear anyone in the mainstream media say that making a policy demand as government funding is about to run out is a perfectly legitimate prerogative of elected legislators.

Privilege trumps morality.

Privilege trumps morality.

Senate Democrats refused to continue funding the government because they do not want to be subject to Obamacare – a law that they imposed upon the rest of us.

I’m not embarrassed. Are you?

Sen. Cruz has reminded us that there is not a single Republican fingerprint on the abomination that is Obamacare. Not one. On a measure of such scope, it’s unprecedented.

The tower will topple.

Obamacare is so poorly conceived that it cannot ever actually function. The process of recognizing that fact and correcting it is now underway.

It’s not going to just “work out.”

Among those that still support Obamacare, the talking point has become, “What if it all just works out?” And thus we arrive at the pass at which the entire rationale for annexing one-sixth of the U.S. economy is reduced to wishful thinking.

From pain can come redemption.

For the first time in a lifetime, a liberal president will bear clear and undeniable responsibility for the results of his own liberal policies.