Category: Fox 51 Primetime

Lessons from the lowly pencil.

If you centralized pencil making on Capitol Hill, pencils would be of one-tenth the quality at ten times the price – and the only way people would buy them is if the government used its police powers to force them to.

Benghazi: Can we get the truth, now?

Tomorrow, (05/08) Gregory Hicks, the former number two man at the American embassy in Libya, is scheduled to testify before Congress. The topic: the attacks of September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya.

Obamacare: Now it’s getting real.

The enactment of Obamacare is the single biggest accomplishment of the Obama administration. That accomplishment is looking more and more like a first term victory that will haunt the president relentlessly in his second term.

What do we think of Dubya now?

Since President Obama was on hand for the dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas, a little comparison seems inevitable. The comparison rather favors President Bush.

Emotion over reason.

Since the horror of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, proponents of strict gun control laws have been appealing to raw emotion at the expense of logic and common sense.

Golfing over governing.

More than two months late, the president has at last complied with the law and submitted a budget. It is, as we have come to expect, an ideological document that is untethered entirely from actual governing.

Casino gambling in Texas is a bad bet.

There is a proposed amendment to the Texas constitution floating around that, if approved by voters, would not only permit casino gambling in Texas, would serve to make the State of Texas the dealer.

The petty tyranny of big government.

The prominent positioning of the words “We the People” on my passport formed an almost unbearable irony as I clutched it while waiting to clear customs at New York’s JFK airport last Sunday.

Where is the leadership?

Whenever there is chaos it is appropriate to look to the guy at the top. In this case, that guy is Barack Obama. Above all, it is the president’s job to lead and Barack Obama is choosing not to.