Category: Fox 51 Primetime

Minimum wage: here we go again.

Minimum wage: here we go again.

Minimum wage is a Democrat favorite that adheres to the maxim that the more wrong an idea is, the more that Democrats will cling to it.

Of farmers and fathers.

The virtues of the American farmer as extolled by Paul Harvey in a commercial for Dodge trucks are the self-same virtues we look for in fathers – and for which there is no substitute when no father is around.

A truly terrible idea.

If it’s obvious that women can’t play in the NFL, it should be equally obvious that women shouldn’t serve in combat roles in the military. War is brutish work which is why, since the dawn of time, it has been done by men.

Freedom vs. safety.

It was Thomas Jefferson that said, “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

The road to insolvency is paved with good intentions.

One of the biggest drivers of America’s massive spending and debt problem is our inability to weigh the good intentions of programs that spend billions of dollars against the actual results that those programs produce.

Lose big enough and one day you won’t matter at all.

Republicans are in many ways replicating the experience of the Southwest Conference and its once prestigious Cotton Bowl game. Largely through fecklessness and self-inflicted injury, Republicans are forfeiting their standing as a governing party.

The failure of the GM bailout.

The Treasury Department announced to little fanfare that it will begin selling off the 26.5 percent stake in GM that was purchased with your money. You’re going to take a bath.

Are you your neighbor’s (yard) keeper?

Conservatives believe in the sanctity of individual property rights. Liberals believe that those who are well off should be compelled to forfeit wealth for the greater good.

Memo to GOP: Become the high-growth party.

It is always a mistake to underestimate the problem-solving capacity of a robustly growing American economy. Yet Republicans argue with Democrats as if our current sluggish economy is the best we can do. It’s not.

GOP memo to Dems: You win.

With respect to the fiscal cliff, let the Democrats have what they want. They’re going to win anyway so give them their higher tax rates. Demand exactly nothing in return – save that they accept responsibility for the results.

Obama voters: enjoy your victory quickly.

If you’re celebrating Obama’s victory, be careful. You own President Obama and President Obama owns the economy and world events. Given the parlous state of both, prudence dictates that you keep your glee in check.

Election 2012: From Motown to Jay-Z.

I have now voted in eleven presidential elections and my record is six and five, a half game above .500. Which is to say I have lost nearly as many presidential elections as I have won. So why am I so upset about losing this one?