The inconvenience of truth.
At the Democratic National Convention, much was made of the president’s successes in the Middle East. Exactly one week later, the real world intervened.
At the Democratic National Convention, much was made of the president’s successes in the Middle East. Exactly one week later, the real world intervened.
President Obama is trying to salvage something from an otherwise disastrous debate performance in Denver. That salvage operation has taken the form of going after Mitt Romney for going after Big Bird.
Obama’s lack of enthusiasm for the exchange with Romney was palpable. I think President Obama likes the title but now hates the job. What we saw in the first debate was the face of a man who dreads going to work.
I have a question for those wanting to renew President Obama’s contract. Why? What about the past four years do you wish to see continued for the next four years?
The economic equality that liberals say they want has been attained before. It was called 18th and 19th century Europe and the equality consisted of equally-shared misery..
When the money drains away, the power to control events drains away with it. So the Brits learned in 1939. So we are learning in 2012.
If we bought groceries in America the way we buy health care, the cost for food would explode and most of our political debate would be centered on finding some policy to deal with high food prices.
Assuming that the purpose of a health care industry is to prolong and improve human life, legislating away money as the economic mechanism for clearing the market and substituting in its place time is the worst possible allocation of resources.
If you harbor any doubt as to how far we have strayed from the founding vision look no further than the story involving the fast food chain Chik-fil-A.
New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, together with a chorus from the media and the far Left, is using the occasion of the senseless murders in Aurora, Colorado to again call for greater restrictions on gun ownership.
Everything that government does and every benefit that the government provides – every highway, every bridge, every dam, every naval vessel, every fighter jet, every Humvee, every public school, every firefighter and every police officer – comes from the fruits of the success of the American people.
Two items hit the news on the same day this week. First, San Bernadino became the third California city in less than a month to file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection. Second, CNBC has again ranked Texas as the number one state for business.