It settles nothing.
The healthcare debate springs from the false premise that only the government can ensure “access” to health care. Nothing that the Supreme Court said changes the fact that we are debating the wrong things.
The healthcare debate springs from the false premise that only the government can ensure “access” to health care. Nothing that the Supreme Court said changes the fact that we are debating the wrong things.
America’s entire $15 trillion economy stands on the shoulders of men and women who run, nurture and, when necessary, act as blood donors to the small businesses they themselves started — a fact to which the Obama administration is utterly blind.
Only someone with a faculty lounge worldview could say with a straight face that the problem facing the economy derives from the fact that state and local governments need more money from the federal government in order to hire more government workers.
Interrupted from time to time by brief and usually mild recessions, since World War II the American economy grew at such a rapid clip that politicians were largely insulated from having to make difficult choices. That day may be over.
New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg would make it illegal for convenience stores, restaurants, theaters and other food-selling venues to sell sugared soft drinks in containers larger than 16 ounces. This is necessary, says Nanny Bloomberg, to curb the growing obesity problem in the Big Apple.
Today in America tens of thousands of cosseted and unaccountable bureaucrats, all safely beyond the reach of those we elect at the ballot box, have become the determinants of economic activity.
The government has borrowed money over your signature and made promises in your name to the point that your household now owes $520,000.
On Monday, the 2012 Trustees Report on Medicare was released and the news isn’t as bad as you might think. It’s worse.
Fine, Mr. President. We’ll give you what you want. But only if you agree to go out in public and accept responsibility, in advance, on behalf of the Democratic Party and liberals everywhere, for the results.
As is their long-standing practice, the race hustlers are using tragedy, in this case the death of a young black kid, as a tool for the advancement of their own agendas and their own very personal interests.
Forget the esoterica of the constitutional arguments. Forget that Congress has arrogated to itself power over your life on a scale never before seen. The real problem with Obamacare is that upwards of four out of ten in the United States believe that entitlement on such a scale is even possible.
Obamacare’s second birthday is coming and going today almost totally uncelebrated. Proud father Barack Obama had everybody over to the house on the day his namesake was born. But today he, and Obamacare’s mother, Nancy Pelosi aren’t saying a word.