Category: Fox 51 Primetime
Try to imagine the bureaucratic gridlock of a city of fewer than 100,000 trying to procure toilet paper for a few city buildings scaled up to say, the size of the bureaucracy of an entire country trying to procure health care for 310 million citizens.
By his ham-handedness, Rush Limbaugh turned the event of a college student’s testimony before Congress into a wasted opportunity to expose the folly of limitless entitlement.
There’s no money left in the U.K. and there’s no money left here. The only difference is that the coalition government is admitting as much in Britain while politicians on both sides of the aisle here in the U.S. talk of our dismal finances only in oblique terms.
If we here in the land of the free have arrived at the place where bureaucrats are being hired by the state to pull snap inspections on the sack lunches of pre-school children, we’re not nearly as free as we’d like to think.
As a result of the arrogance of an administration that believes that there is no aspect of American life into which it does not have the unlimited right to intrude, we are all Catholics now.
The fight between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich has gotten nasty and many Republicans are worried about it. Not me.
If you were a true Obama believer during the 2008 campaign, the State of the Union address Tuesday had to have rung hollow when listened to against the backdrop of three years of actual experience under an Obama administration.
Romney has already disclosed that his effective tax rate is about 15 percent, well below the rate that most middle class taxpayers pay. On the strength of that disclosure, the demagoguery is on, little of it having any connection to facts.
Self-reliance means possessing and maintaining the ability to defend one’s self, something of which Europe is now utterly incapable. The president’s proposal to dramatically cut defense spending reveals disturbing parallels for the U.S.
President Obama made a rare appearance at the Pentagon to announce a plan to make deep cuts in the Defense Department budget. One must ask, what about the rest of the government?
Hard as it is to believe, vegetable curry, lentil and brown rice cutlets and black-eyed pea salads aren’t big hits in the school cafeteria.
President Obama recently said that it doesn’t really matter who the Republican nominee winds up being. For once, I agree with him.