Category: Fox 51 Primetime

The relentless drip.

For a few days on vacation with my family in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, the cool air, the absence of a television and a paucity of cell service worked to shield me from the constant drip of bad economic news. But of course, it couldn’t last.

Uniformed populist drivel - not what the times demand.

Uninformed populist drivel.

Were it not for those greedy private jet owners refusing to pay their “fair share” of taxes America could solve its deficit and debt problems. So says the Demagouger-in-Chief as he avoids actually addressing the problem.

Another day, another sex scandal.

What a cliché the ruling class sex scandal has become. They all follow the same pattern. Revelation. Denial. Cover-up. Confession. If only the pattern continued to its next logical step. Resignation. But, alas, it never does.

Texas creates jobs. Liberals condescend.

For ruling-class elites, there is nothing to recommend Texas. It is a miserable, Red State, George W. Bush-spawning hell-on-earth. So how, then, do they explain job numbers just released by the federal government?

Who really sets the debt limit?

Bill and Marge have been hitting the VISA card each month to close the gap between what they earn and what they spend. Their reckoning is coming. The U.S. Government needs to learn from Bill and Marge.

S&P’s shot across the bow.

Yesterday, Standard & Poor’s issued a negative outlook on the sovereign debt of the United States. Thus the U.S. joins an ignominious pantheon of bankrupt companies and failed socialist states.

Hats off to Paul Ryan.

House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan went to a Washington, D.C. tattoo parlor and had a giant target tattooed on his forehead. Or so it is going to seem in the coming weeks.

The public/private disconnect.

I got an email from the superintendent of the school district where my younger daughter goes to school talking about the impact of state budget funding cuts.

Disturbing parallels.

Carter lacked the charisma of Obama, good news for Obama, because the parallels between them should otherwise be of great concern to Obama.