Remember $4.00 gasoline?
You may want to go find a fresh “Drill, Baby, Brill” sticker for your car. Because oil prices are on the way up and the Obama administration is about to start babbling about green energy again.
You may want to go find a fresh “Drill, Baby, Brill” sticker for your car. Because oil prices are on the way up and the Obama administration is about to start babbling about green energy again.
Ten years ago, in 2001, the existential threat facing the United States was radical Islamic terrorism. Say what you will about President George W. Bush, no one can credibly argue that he failed to address the threat. In fact, the bulk of the criticism leveled at President Bush stemmed directly from the actions that he took to address terrorism. Today, a decade later, terrorism remains a threat but it’s no longer the biggest threat. Economic...
Much has been written and said about the centenary of President Reagan on Sunday. Even liberals who once denounced him now seek to be illuminated in the glow of his memory. So what was it about Reagan, exactly? It boils down to a single word: belief. Reagan believed in the American people – you and me. Elite coastal liberals condescend to everyday Americans. They cannot imagine how ordinary people, unpedigreed, and lacking the sophistication of...
Of the services customarily provided by cities to their citizens, one that is very amenable to privatization is sanitation.
On the third Sunday of July, Vice President Joe Biden appeared on ABC’s This Week with Jake Tapper and declared that the summer of 2010 is the Summer of Recovery.
According to former Reagan budget director David Stockman, since the third quarter of 2008, the nation’s gross domestic product has grown at the rate of only $4 billion per month.
When President Theodore Roosevelt coined the term “bully pulpit,” he meant it in the most positive sense. He believed that the presidency was an excellent platform from which to articulate a belief or a position. How unfortunate it is, then, that our current president just wasted a fabulous opportunity to use the bully pulpit to accomplish something good, both for his presidency and for the country. The recent kerfuffle over the proposed mosque at ground...
On the slim chance that John McCain wins this election – let me rephrase that – on the slim chance that John McCain doesn’t defeat himself in this election, he will need to invite Joe Wurzelbacher to sit with him on the platform at the inauguration. God knows Joe will have earned it. If John McCain wins, it will be Joe Wurzelbacher that drags him across the finish line. Joe Wurzelbacher is, of course, Joe...
Wow! What a week. Since last we spoke, the earth has wobbled on its axis. First, there’s Hurricane Ike. Here at KTBB we prepared for the worst right here in Tyler but in fact, we suffered very little. Not so in Houston, Galveston and along the Texas Gulf Coast. Those areas got hammered. Galveston was the wealthiest city in the United States in 1900 when a devastating hurricane killed as many as 8,000. The city...
Yesterday (Thu., Sep 11, 2008) marked the seventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 in which three important U.S. buildings were destroyed or heavily damaged and nearly 3,000 innocent people lost their lives. It’s actually to our credit as a nation that we were able to mark yesterday with as little note as we did. The fact is, the memory of the attacks of 9/11 has faded dramatically in the past seven...
Click here to listen to the broadcast of You Tell Me on Newstalk 600 KTBB, Friday, May 5, 2008. It’s costing a fortune to fill up my car. I hate it. I’m sure you hate it. I also hate that we remain, 35 years after the Arab oil embargo, more dependent on oil from foreign sources than we were when we first experienced gasoline lines. I appreciate the urge on the part of the government...