Category: Fox 51 Primetime

The truth about the pandemic begins to emerge.

What we can now see with the perfect clarity of hindsight is that the advent of COVID opened the door for a microscopically small cohort of “experts” to arrogate to themselves nearly unlimited authority over the lives of ordinary working Americans.

In the eye of a leftist storm.

Critical Race Theory is a radical leftist ideology that promotes the idea that white people are naturally born as oppressors and that ‘people of color’ – most particularly black people – are naturally born oppressed.

Two-tier justice.

It is now undeniable that elite Democrats have their own concierge justice system, separate and apart from the system you and I might face.

Help for your Holiday shopping.

One cannot help asking, to what degree is the President of the United States now compromised by the Chinese Communist Party, Vladimir Putin and other malign actors?

Mad pursuit.

The ‘mad pursuit of zero’ precludes policy makers and politicians from ever asking, “Will the benefits of doing this outweigh the costs?”

A page from the Nixon playbook.

Elections are never purely about policy. Personality and style and comportment matter – particularly to those voters who can go either way.

What next?

I appreciate Donald Trump. We conservatives will always be in his debt. But what now?

The Elites v. the Folks

Somewhere back there, the political contest quietly shifted from Democrats vs. Republicans to Elites vs. the Folks. It’s almost as if new political parties got formed.

Who will finish the job?

Trump is loathed by the ruling class because he opened the doors, turned on the lights and threw up the window shades.

It starts at school.

Even though information on any topic is readily available with the tap of a finger, the American populace is both less informed and simultaneously more misinformed than at any time in the last century.