It is the economy, stupid.
Do anyone honestly believe that a Hillary Clinton economy – or even a Jeb Bush economy – would be rolling like this one is?
Do anyone honestly believe that a Hillary Clinton economy – or even a Jeb Bush economy – would be rolling like this one is?
Any intellectually honest observer is forced to admit that the world is safer today for the U.S. and its allies than it was two years ago.
Suddenly the Elites of both Left and Right find themselves totally naked and exposed.
Tax revenues go up even as tax rates go down? It’s a puzzlement to Democrats.
The Yankees of 1978 won the pennant by winning on the margins. Similar success on the margins by Republicans should scare the hell out of Democrats.
Do Republican Never Trumpers despise Donald Trump so deeply that they would be willing to forgo the huge policy win that he made possible?
With respect to illegal immigrants and their children, only one thing has changed since the Obama administration. That one thing is that the Trump administration is enforcing the law.
Is it possible that the communal worship of God that used to begin in childhood for the vast majority of American kids provided a kind of “vaccination” against suicide?
Millions of students graduate under a mountain of debt holding, in a distressing percentage of cases, degrees of dubious economic value.
Find yourself in a debate with a Trump hater, and you likely can bring it to a fairly swift conclusion if you can pivot the conversation to the president’s policy successes.
It seems that folks are fleeing Illinois in droves – more than 71,000 net out-migration since 2016.
The very liberal Seattle city council has done what Democrats who run successful cities do. They voted nine to nothing to impose a tax on businesses of $275 per employee per year.
send to my email address. Jean. Great reply to the emphasis.
You called it right Mike!!! The dems are going to have to do a heap big culling, like getting rid…
I was a Democrat and now a Libertarian. Personally don't care what Democrats do and wish everyone in talk radio…
Great analysis Paul! I agree that the Democrats need to be better. I remember back in 2004 when my former…
David: You need to re-read the piece. I am by no means "acquiescing" to the Democrats that we saw Tuesday…