Baltimore: A monument to Democrats.

For those who voted in a Democratic monopoly in Baltimore it’s worth asking: If you’ve done something for 50 years and it hasn’t worked, shouldn’t you at least consider trying something else?

Someone to sell it.

Give us a nominee who can speak to a bright future brought about by a strong military, a light regulatory burden, a belief in the American people and a cogent and resolute foreign policy based on American strength.

On FOX 51: The usual liberal twaddle.

The average salary for the chief officer of an American corporation is a bit less than $200,000 per year. Which is a third less than what Mrs. Clinton gets for an hour delivering a platitude-laced speech about income inequality.

A canary gasping for air.

MSNBC was at the peak of its health in 2008 and Obama won. Its precipitous decline might thus portend trouble for the next Democratic nominee.

Obama & Bergdahl: A complete embarrassment.

Franklin Roosevelt would never have traded five dangerous enemies of the United States for one Army deserter. Not even the feckless Jimmy Carter would have made such a fool of himself.

Of the Reagans & the Obamas.

Sasha and Malia Obama have lived their lives with a mother and a father in the house who love them and who are active in raising them. For all of my disagreements with Barack Obama, this is a part of him that I like and respect.

For thee but not for me.

Hillary Clinton is the very embodiment of the nouveau ‘ruling class’ that is taking over government at every level.