Saul Alinsky comes to Texas.
The indictment of Rick Perry is disturbing because of the realization that the left no longer feels the need to even make a pretense of legal or moral propriety.
The indictment of Rick Perry is disturbing because of the realization that the left no longer feels the need to even make a pretense of legal or moral propriety.
You Tell Me Texas may be seen on Tuesday and Thursday evenings as a part of Fox 51 East Texas News at 9 p.m. The strategy behind last week’s indictment of Gov. Rick Perry can be clearly seen in what isn’t included in Rachel Maddow’s story on MSNBC. (See the story here.) Gov. Perry faces two felony charges for abusing his office. If convicted, he could spend the rest of his life in prison. The...
Rick Perry may or may not be on the ballot in November 2016. But the Texas success formula that he championed should be.
If the president believes that the Lois Lerner/IRS story is a “phony scandal,” why then does he continue to resist appointing a special prosecutor who could prove him right?
The amount of money expended by the federal government on anti-poverty programs since 1965 is almost exactly equal to the national debt, currently approaching $17 trillion.
The VA is a microcosm of a national health care system and Obamacare is nothing but a precursor to national health care.
A nation that can’t control its borders has no immigration policy no matter what laws it passes.
That heavily regulated industries never innovate and are easily beaten by creative entrepreneurs is forever lost on those who believe in the goodness of government.
Nemesis, the ancient mythological Greek goddess whose job it is to take down those guilty of hubris, is now living fulltime in the Obama White House.
Purely for the mental exercise, let’s imagine that during the presidency of George W. Bush it came to light that the IRS singled out or Planned Parenthood or some other liberal group for special scrutiny.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s seismic defeat in the Virginia GOP primary should give comfort to no one in the ruling class.
It is increasingly clear that on the U.S. armed forces of which he is commander-in-chief, Obama has no clue whatsoever.
David: You need to re-read the piece. I am by no means "acquiescing" to the Democrats that we saw Tuesday…
I completely concur with Mike. Paul you sound like the very RHINOS, that in their acquiescence to the democrats ,…
I wonder how many race cards will be thrown
My hope is that we do not become complacent, not aware that Democrats might be playing a “rope-a-dope” plot toward…
I for one do not want them to "get better". I want them to be dissolved and go away; far…