Knowing not that they know not.

Knowing not that they know not.

From the president on down, next to nobody in the executive branch of government has any executive experience. They know not. Yet they know not that they know not.

Missing the tide at its flood.

For all his failures as a candidate, it’s it is not terribly difficult for me to imagine Mitt Romney as a better president than Barack Obama.

To be unready for war is to invite one.

Five years in to the Obama administration, the president has never proposed shrinking any part of the federal government — except the clearly constitutional function of defending the peace.

The real minimum wage: $0.00.

When it comes to things they oppose, Democrats well understand that when you raise the price of something you get less of it. But then they come to the minimum wage and that understanding vanishes.

We may wind up being glad Obamacare passed.

Whatever else happens with Obamacare, one thing is fairly certain. The next proposed big-government solution to a real or perceived big societal problem is likely to be met with considerable skepticism.