The bathroom door.

Does it matter, if you’re doing nothing wrong, that the government is collecting your emails, your Tweets, your Facebook posts and monitoring you web browsing?

The fourth branch.

The fourth branch of government consists of about 50 federal agencies under various cabinet-level departments that have over time accumulated astonishing autonomy to write and enforce rules and regulations.

It’s not Obama we’re after. It’s big government.

Some people believe that the trifecta of scandals now engulfing the White House affords an opportunity to impeach President Obama. Those people are wrong. President Obama will serve out his term. To try to make it otherwise would be overreach. Besides, there are bigger fish to fry. President Obama isn’t the problem. The problem is big-government liberalism. And the opportunity to discredit that ideology is ripe. Since the 2008 campaign, the president has sought to...

Lessons from the lowly pencil.

If you centralized pencil making on Capitol Hill, pencils would be of one-tenth the quality at ten times the price – and the only way people would buy them is if the government used its police powers to force them to.

Benghazi: Can we get the truth, now?

Tomorrow, (05/08) Gregory Hicks, the former number two man at the American embassy in Libya, is scheduled to testify before Congress. The topic: the attacks of September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya.

Obamacare: Now it’s getting real.

The enactment of Obamacare is the single biggest accomplishment of the Obama administration. That accomplishment is looking more and more like a first term victory that will haunt the president relentlessly in his second term.