He said it because he believes it.

Only someone with a faculty lounge worldview could say with a straight face that the problem facing the economy derives from the fact that state and local governments need more money from the federal government in order to hire more government workers.

The politics of smaller pie.

Interrupted from time to time by brief and usually mild recessions, since World War II the American economy grew at such a rapid clip that politicians were largely insulated from having to make difficult choices. That day may be over.

Step away from the Big Gulp, ma’am!

New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg would make it illegal for convenience stores, restaurants, theaters and other food-selling venues to sell sugared soft drinks in containers larger than 16 ounces. This is necessary, says Nanny Bloomberg, to curb the growing obesity problem in the Big Apple.

iou note

Will we ever get serious?

The government has borrowed money over your signature and made promises in your name to the point that your household now owes $520,000.

In defense of marriage.

Conservatives generally oppose the idea of same-sex marriage. I am one of them and for what I consider to be my principled position, I have been called a gay basher, a bigot and a homophobe. I resolutely maintain that I am none of these.

A funeral procession.

NASA did its best to dress its deliveries of retired space shuttles to their respective final resting places as victory laps. They were no such thing. They were funeral processions.

No longer our own masters.

The erosion of liberty happens in increments. Few alive today know that the federal income tax as we know it started at a mere one percent on all incomes up to an amount equal to $10.5 million in today’s dollars.

Let Obama have his “Buffett Rule.”

Fine, Mr. President. We’ll give you what you want. But only if you agree to go out in public and accept responsibility, in advance, on behalf of the Democratic Party and liberals everywhere, for the results.

A nation of infants.

Forget the esoterica of the constitutional arguments. Forget that Congress has arrogated to itself power over your life on a scale never before seen. The real problem with Obamacare is that upwards of four out of ten in the United States believe that entitlement on such a scale is even possible.