Where are the cuts?

Aside from throwing out a number ending in the word, “trillion,” what specific spending cuts are any of Obama, Boehner, Reid, the “Gang of Six” or anyone else proposing? When does anyone propose the the U.S. actually spend less money than it is currently spending?

What would Nixon do?

What would Nixon do?

Richard Nixon is regarded as one of the most cynical presidents ever. Yet even he might be appalled at the current president’s demogoguery on deficits and the debt ceiling.

Hail to the Cynic in Chief

Every chief executive and every business owner in the country has had to prioritize spending since the economy went soft in 2007. It’s what executives get paid to do. But President Obama refuses to make spending choices. He prefers vilifying successful Americans as a sop to his hard left base.

The relentless drip.

For a few days on vacation with my family in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, the cool air, the absence of a television and a paucity of cell service worked to shield me from the constant drip of bad economic news. But of course, it couldn’t last.

Uniformed populist drivel - not what the times demand.

Uninformed populist drivel.

Were it not for those greedy private jet owners refusing to pay their “fair share” of taxes America could solve its deficit and debt problems. So says the Demagouger-in-Chief as he avoids actually addressing the problem.

The favor of the royal court.

The favor of the royal court.

Under a government of laws, the head of government’s power to grant favors or exact retribution is supposed to be limited. Or so Boeing thought when it built an assembly plant in right-to-work South Carolina.

Another day, another sex scandal.

What a cliché the ruling class sex scandal has become. They all follow the same pattern. Revelation. Denial. Cover-up. Confession. If only the pattern continued to its next logical step. Resignation. But, alas, it never does.

Texas creates jobs. Liberals condescend.

For ruling-class elites, there is nothing to recommend Texas. It is a miserable, Red State, George W. Bush-spawning hell-on-earth. So how, then, do they explain job numbers just released by the federal government?