Uniformed populist drivel - not what the times demand.

Uninformed populist drivel.

Were it not for those greedy private jet owners refusing to pay their “fair share” of taxes America could solve its deficit and debt problems. So says the Demagouger-in-Chief as he avoids actually addressing the problem.

The favor of the royal court.

The favor of the royal court.

Under a government of laws, the head of government’s power to grant favors or exact retribution is supposed to be limited. Or so Boeing thought when it built an assembly plant in right-to-work South Carolina.

Another day, another sex scandal.

What a cliché the ruling class sex scandal has become. They all follow the same pattern. Revelation. Denial. Cover-up. Confession. If only the pattern continued to its next logical step. Resignation. But, alas, it never does.

Texas creates jobs. Liberals condescend.

For ruling-class elites, there is nothing to recommend Texas. It is a miserable, Red State, George W. Bush-spawning hell-on-earth. So how, then, do they explain job numbers just released by the federal government?

The case for the happy warrior.

Herman Cain is a happy warrior. He’s seeking the Republican nomination and the odds against him are long. However, his positive energy and his optimism are something that Republicans are going to need if they hope to defeat Obama.

Insisting on independence.

The parental decision concerning kicking newly graduated college kids out of the house is a microcosm of our societal decision about dependency. Pushing a kid out in the world to make it on his or her own is almost always the best thing you can do for the kid.

Who really sets the debt limit?

Bill and Marge have been hitting the VISA card each month to close the gap between what they earn and what they spend. Their reckoning is coming. The U.S. Government needs to learn from Bill and Marge.

Glory, no matter how great, is easily lost.

England was once the most powerful country on Earth. But the cost of fighting two world wars, and the resulting debt, knocked England out of first place, never to return. Therein lies a cautionary tale for the United States.

Graduating to service debt.

Nearly unlimited student loan availability has removed the price signals that would have otherwise kept prices for college in check. Thus the price for college is outpacing inflation by as much as five-to-one.