Believe in big government? Buy a Volt.
If you are having trouble imagining the problems created by an expanding government you need look no further than the Chevy Volt.
If you are having trouble imagining the problems created by an expanding government you need look no further than the Chevy Volt.
How closely are you watching what’s going on in Wisconsin with Governor Scott Brown and his standoff with the public employee unions? How closely are you following the battle in Congress regarding the Republicans’ demand to immediately cut spending as a condition of keeping the government funded beyond Friday? I still go work and show up at my daughter’s soccer games and otherwise live my life, but I’m nonetheless following the stories very closely. And...
Don’t kid yourself. Obama will be a formidable opponent for whomever the Republicans nominate and none of those in the field today excite the way Reagan did in 1979.
You may want to go find a fresh “Drill, Baby, Brill” sticker for your car. Because oil prices are on the way up and the Obama administration is about to start babbling about green energy again.
Wisconsin governor Scott Walker took office just last month and is faced with a $3.6 billion deficit that must be addressed by one means or another. Asking state employees to pay a portion of their health and pension costs is reasonable. Or so you would think.
Ten years ago, in 2001, the existential threat facing the United States was radical Islamic terrorism. Say what you will about President George W. Bush, no one can credibly argue that he failed to address the threat. In fact, the bulk of the criticism leveled at President Bush stemmed directly from the actions that he took to address terrorism. Today, a decade later, terrorism remains a threat but it’s no longer the biggest threat. Economic...
Anyone who so chooses can live for a time as if he or she is wealthy. But for how long? Time is the critical variable.
Much has been written and said about the centenary of President Reagan on Sunday. Even liberals who once denounced him now seek to be illuminated in the glow of his memory. So what was it about Reagan, exactly? It boils down to a single word: belief. Reagan believed in the American people – you and me. Elite coastal liberals condescend to everyday Americans. They cannot imagine how ordinary people, unpedigreed, and lacking the sophistication of...
The president gave little evidence that he appreciates the severity of the country’s financial situation. It is not a stretch to say that the country faces its greatest crisis since World War II or even the Civil War.
Reagan succeeded because of what he believed. Reagan’s administration was by no means perfect. But in the end his belief in the American people transcended.
Implicit in the title ‘publication of record’ is a trust, of which many newspapers, The New York Times being the highest-profile example, have lately been poor stewards.
Despite what some might offer as clichéd explanations or remedies, so long as we are human, we will remain consigned to living in a world where the most terrible things can happen without warning.
First, be clear as to what they were asked to do and the benefit to the average citizen. Then, if…
Donald Trump needs our prayers.
Who is paying their salaries??
I say Fire Them All and start all over. If they don't do what you want them to, adios amigo,…
I think that the Red Star on the California flag says it all