Ubereducated Idiots.
There is unfocused but growing anger in America that is directed at our political and media elites.
There is unfocused but growing anger in America that is directed at our political and media elites.
I’m putting programming on the air that I hope will draw an audience for which advertisers will pay me to have access.
Two weeks ago, a friend of mine in Tyler, a good vendor to my company and a good businessman, called to tell me that he was shutting his doors.
Thomas Jefferson couldn’t have known specifically about the special senate election in Massachusetts but he certainly knew that such moments would come.
If history is a guide, by now, more than 14 months into a steep recession, a very sharp recovery should be underway.
We’re about to get walloped by taxes. We are all soon going to be paying our bills out of noticeably smaller net paychecks.
One such journalist was Harry Reasoner, one of the best writers ever to work in television.
This month marks 20 years since I lost my dad. He was the best friend I ever had. We liked each other’s company, we knew the punch lines to each other’s jokes and we both preferred thick, chewy European beers. In light of what’s going on today, 20 years later, one of the things that stands out for me when I remember my dad was how amazingly self-sufficient he was. My father never made more...
We are reminded this week that God made the Earth and all that is in it and that He has dominion over it, the overwrought hand wringing of the Global Warming cabal notwithstanding.
The Texas gubernatorial election fight is on. It will be over in March. The general election in November is a formality. The fight is between Kay Bailey Hutchison, currently the senior senator from Texas and incumbent Rick Perry. Both are Republicans and the two will duke it out for the Republican nomination in the March primary. Whoever wins that primary will be the governor. (The eventual Democratic nominee is roughly analagous to the Washington Generals....
In 1951, a short, round, jolly Greek immigrant named Jack Koustoubardis began cooking hamburgers in a tiny little spot on Hillcrest Avenue in Dallas just down the hill from SMU. The place is still there and it’s called the Burger House. Everybody knew Jack. (His real name was actually Prometheus. Jack is the name he chose to authenticate his new status as an American.) The Burger House opened at 11 in the morning, closed at...
Your comments regarding what we say in this space matter and that’s why we call it “You Tell Me.” The idea is that I take a position and then you tell me what you think. I’m right on. I’m full of beans. You Tell Me. So with that said, let’s revisit some of the things we have talked about in previous weeks and share your comments on them. Let’s start with Roman Polanski. The Swiss...
send to my email address. ekhymns@yahoo..com Jean. Great reply to the emphasis.
You called it right Mike!!! The dems are going to have to do a heap big culling, like getting rid…
I was a Democrat and now a Libertarian. Personally don't care what Democrats do and wish everyone in talk radio…
Great analysis Paul! I agree that the Democrats need to be better. I remember back in 2004 when my former…
David: You need to re-read the piece. I am by no means "acquiescing" to the Democrats that we saw Tuesday…