Listen to Lieberman

I have developed a Pavlovian response to seeing the name Lieberman in the byline of an article. I pick up or click on a Lieberman article as quickly as I possibly can. The independent Democrat senator from Connecticut, in a break with the overwhelming majority of his lifelong party, has been crystal clear and uncommonly eloquent in his support of the U.S. effort in Iraq and in the broader struggle against Islamic facsism. Sen. Lieberman...

It’s not ideology, it’s entertainment.

Another left-leaning talk network has failed. Read the New York Post story here. This time it’s Greenstone Media’s all female talk network that has gone off the air. This in the wake of the liberal Air America network, which last year filed for protection under Chapter 11 and has since emerged and is hanging on to its few affiliates by a slender thread. If it’s not entertaining, no one will listen to it. The backers...

It’s working. Are we going to stick with it?

More and more, despite a mainstream press that isn’t much interested in telling us, we learn that the fundamental shift in strategy brought about by Gen. David Petraeus is working. Clifford May provides specifics in his article here. I’m more than willing to support a continued commitment in Iraq particularly in light of growing evidence of success. What about you? YOU TELL ME.

The defining struggle of the 21st century is still in its early stages.

The defining struggle of the 20th century was the Cold War. Could nations possessed of nuclear weapons restrain their impulses to use them? That struggle ended well and ended when it did because of the resolve of the U.S. president. Ronald Reagan “got it.” The next president faces the defining struggle of the still-young 21st century. That struggle is with Islamofascism. Up until 9/11, no Western nation “got it.” Now, we face a choice in...

Tax the few, lose the few.

Economic education in America being in the sorry state that it is, few people understand the real dynamics of taxation. This leads inevitably to the belief that raising tax RATES will inevitably raise tax REVENUE. Politicians, ever hungry for more revenue (with which they purchase high-visibilty job security), scramble to raise rates, almost always saying they are only raising rates on “the rich.” One of the many good things about being rich is that you...

Ramadi Renaissance

Mario Loyola recently visited Ramadi in the Anbar Province of Iraq.  His story, found here, paints yet another encouraging picture in what has become a late summer season of encouragement regarding the war in Iraq. Google Anbar Province and you’ll find plenty of archived stories from not that long ago that said that Anbar was “lost” and “beyond hope.” Today, it is perhaps the safest place in Iraq. Is the Anbar model going to work...

Government and social activism can’t replace a father.

The recent execution-style mass murder in Newark, NJ has sparked an avalanche of response from politicians, civic-leaders and community activists. None of that response comes close to touching on the fact that most kids in Newark grow up in fatherless homes. Nor will anybody say out loud that a disproportionate percentage of fatherless kids wind up in trouble. Steven Malanga writes on the subject in City Journal magazine. Do kids need fathers or will they...

Oh @#$!, what if we win?

Q. When is winning a war bad news? A. When it costs you all the political capital you have invested in defeat. Following their takeover of the Congress in November 2006, losing in Iraq looked like a sure thing for the Democrats. “Bush’s War” turns out badly, the Democrats regain the White House while solidifying their lead in the Congress. It looked like a winning bet until very recently. And then, like the fortunes of...

Politics is politics but war is war.

Leave it to a former agent of the Soviet KGB to nail down why going ad hominem against the president is a bad idea when bullets are flying and blood is being spilled. It’s OK to run against the president’s polices. It’s not OK to do so in a way that gives aid and comfort to those who are seeking to do us harm. If Republicans and Democrats united on the War on Terror and...

OK, I’m still on vacation but you gotta read this.

Excellent article in The American Spectator on why conservatives need to quit moaning about the lack of a Ronald Reagan, take stock of their assets and get to work on winning the hearts and minds of American voters. Read it here.

The Surge is working. But don’t look for the story in the mainstream media.

In 1968, the Viet Cong threw everything they had at the U.S. in what came to be called the Tet Offensive. The U.S. routed them. The Viet Cong lost over 60,000 men and never recovered militarily. Yet the media portrayed the Tet Offensive as an irrecoverable setback for the U.S. military and domestic support for the Vietnam War collapsed. When the U.S. finally left (fled) Vietnam in 1975, it led to barbarism and reprisal that...

If you see something, say something. Then call your lawyer.

Debra Burlingame knows all too well what can happen when men of Middle Eastern extraction who don’t “act right” get on an airplane. Her brother, Charles Burlingame, was the captain of American Airlnes flight 77 that was used as a cruise missle against the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. She writes in this article about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and their apparent unwillingness to support legislation that would give...