Would you re-hire this employee?
I have a question for those wanting to renew President Obama’s contract. Why? What about the past four years do you wish to see continued for the next four years?
I have a question for those wanting to renew President Obama’s contract. Why? What about the past four years do you wish to see continued for the next four years?
The economic equality that liberals say they want has been attained before. It was called 18th and 19th century Europe and the equality consisted of equally-shared misery..
Only someone with a faculty lounge worldview could say with a straight face that the problem facing the economy derives from the fact that state and local governments need more money from the federal government in order to hire more government workers.
The fight between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich has gotten nasty and many Republicans are worried about it. Not me.
If you were a true Obama believer during the 2008 campaign, the State of the Union address Tuesday had to have rung hollow when listened to against the backdrop of three years of actual experience under an Obama administration.
Defending his economic policies in an appearance on NBC’s Today Show, the president again revealed a near total lack of understanding about business and free markets.
Yesterday, Standard & Poor’s issued a negative outlook on the sovereign debt of the United States. Thus the U.S. joins an ignominious pantheon of bankrupt companies and failed socialist states.
Don’t be alarmed by that sick feeling that came over you following Obama’s speech on the federal budget this week. If you’re feeling anxious, it’s a sign of your mental health.
Carter lacked the charisma of Obama, good news for Obama, because the parallels between them should otherwise be of great concern to Obama.
Since 1960, the country has been in a tug-of-war between those on the right that believe that one can only be truly free when one accepts full responsibility for one’s own life…
Look up the word “epilogue” and one of the definitions you will find says, “the final scene of a play or story that comments on or summarizes the main action.” The word epilogue, thus defined, now applies to the Barack Obama administration.
According to former Reagan budget director David Stockman, since the third quarter of 2008, the nation’s gross domestic product has grown at the rate of only $4 billion per month.