We’ve only just begun.
It is undeniable that a small group of elitists living mostly on the coasts have been very successful at advancing hard left policies that defy majority opinion.
It is undeniable that a small group of elitists living mostly on the coasts have been very successful at advancing hard left policies that defy majority opinion.
Federal hiring continues to outpace the private sector even as federal office spaces sit largely empty most of the time.
We’ve had government shutdowns before. Aside from being unable to visit Carlsbad Caverns or take a White House tour, how badly was your life impacted?
Irrespective of political inclination, Americans are becoming fed up. The creeping incompetence of the federal government is simply too obvious and offers too many examples to be ignored.
Since the 1960s, none of the pet policies of those aging 1960s children that we saw on the Democratic debate stage has worked. From welfare to education to health care to economic policy. None of them.
Unlike the countless lemonade stands that set up shop in neighborhoods all over America every summer, one particular lemonade stand drew national attention – to the great consternation of the city elders of Overton.
Every now and then, this piece just writes itself. Thanks to the leadership of the City of Overton, Texas, this is one of those times.
Whatever else happens with Obamacare, one thing is fairly certain. The next proposed big-government solution to a real or perceived big societal problem is likely to be met with considerable skepticism.
Liberals believe that there is no societal ill that does not call for a massive dose of government – despite now four full generations of compelling evidence to the contrary.
That the vast majority of federal spending proceeds apace during what is laughingly called a shutdown is testament to the fact that federalism as envisioned by the founders has long slipped its constitutional moorings.
With as much power over our lives as is now vested in the federal government, the virtue of its leaders and functionaries becomes a concern of much greater magnitude.
Get a letter from GEICO and you most likely throw it away. But get a letter from the IRS and the room spins.