A great country should expect better.
In the big picture – the picture that includes the long-term health of the republic – I’m one who looks upon the Democrats and wishes they’d get better.
In the big picture – the picture that includes the long-term health of the republic – I’m one who looks upon the Democrats and wishes they’d get better.
Donald Trump demolished the far-left radical agenda that hijacked the Democratic Party.
If you thought the lefty meltdown was over the top following Donald Trump’s victory in 2016, just wait.
Because of the way the DOJ has behaved, it is reasonable to suspect that rather than seeking justice, they simply want to disqualify Trump for office and are willing to go to any length to do so.
Americans who live between the coasts, own guns, call themselves Christian and produce the lion’s share of American economic output have had enough.
For most of the 20th century, the Democratic Party was seen as the unquestioned champion of the guy who ate his lunch from a pail and had to wipe his hands before he could shake yours.
The black vote is arguably the only true remaining voting bloc in American politics. Hillary Clinton got 91 percent of it in 2016. But that may be changing. Slowly, to be sure. But changing, nonetheless.
The entirety of the fiasco Monday night in Iowa is an allegory on the Democratic Party’s impulse toward top-down command and control for the benefit of party insiders.
A Democrat from even a single generation ago doesn’t recognize the Democratic Party of 2019.
Democrats are instinctively aware that their effectiveness as a political force is gravely wounded and they’re acting accordingly.
Donald Trump’s real opposition comes from Anderson Cooper, Joe Scarborough, Chuck Todd, George Stephanopoulus and the rest of the glittering galaxy of smug, condescending, self-satisfied elite media liberals.
The Atlanta Falcons before they are finished will completely understand how they blew the Super Bowl. You’d think that Democrats who lost a winnable election would want a similar understanding.